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Basic Science Topic Center

Basic Science

Original Research
A new design for the bilobed flap that is more mathematically precise than the classic Zitelli design is presented for lower third nasal reconstruction.
A new design for the bilobed flap that is more mathematically precise than the classic Zitelli design is presented for lower third nasal reconstruction.
A new design for the bilobed...
Christopher Mantyh
Ronald Silverman
Ashley Collinsworth
Christine Bongards
Leah Griffin
This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the impact of ciNPT on postsurgical outcomes and health care utilization in patients undergoing open abdominal surgeries.
This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the impact of ciNPT on postsurgical outcomes and health care utilization in patients undergoing open abdominal surgeries.
This systematic review and...

Khalifa Al Ghanim, MB, Bch, BAO, LRCP, SI1,2; Katrina M. Jaszkul3; Andrew Simpson, MD, FRCSC2; Eva A. Turley, PhD4,5 

Khalifa Al Ghanim, MB, Bch, BAO, LRCP...
This narrative literature review focuses on nonmelanotic skin cancer and treatment strategies.
This narrative literature review focuses on nonmelanotic skin cancer and treatment strategies.
This narrative literature review...
Case Report

Margarida Mendes, MD1,2; Alexandre Almeida, MD1,2; Rita Costa, MD3; Anita Paiva, MD3; Mariana Jarnalo, MD1,2; Gonçalo Gandra, MD1,2; Pedro Machado, MD1,2; Ricardo Horta, PhD1,2; Rúben Coelho, MD1

Margarida Mendes, MD1,2; Alexandre Al...
This report presents a case of a 63-year-old man with tuberculosis and postoperative bronchopleural fistula with empyema after pleural decortication and left lower lobe resection.
This report presents a case of a 63-year-old man with tuberculosis and postoperative bronchopleural fistula with empyema after pleural decortication and left lower lobe resection.
This report presents a case of a...
Original Research

Itaru Tsuge, MD, PhD1; Miho Matsui, MD, PhD2; Tomofumi Nakamura, PhD3; Keisuke Watanabe3; Eiichi Sawaragi, MD1; Hiroki Yamanaka, MD, PhD1; Motoki Katsube, MD, PhD1; Michiharu Sakamoto, MD, PhD1; Susumu Saito, MD, PhD1; Naoki Morimoto, MD, PhD1

Itaru Tsuge, MD, PhD1; Miho Matsui, M...
This is the first study using clinical wound samples to examine the reproducibility between GAS-RADT and wound culture. The reproducibility between GAS-RADT and wound culture was statistically excellent, underscoring the reliability of...
This is the first study using clinical wound samples to examine the reproducibility between GAS-RADT and wound culture. The reproducibility between GAS-RADT and wound culture was statistically excellent, underscoring the reliability of...
This is the first study using...
Original Research

Dominick V Congiusta, MD, MPH; Kamil M Amer, MD; Tej Joshi, MD; Patrick Mattern, MD; Robert L DalCortivo, BBA; Irfan H Ahmed, MD; Michael M Vosbikian, MD

Dominick V Congiusta, MD, MPH; Kamil ...
This study hypothesizes that bacterial etiology is associated with different operation and reoperation rates in patients with flexor tenosynovitis.
This study hypothesizes that bacterial etiology is associated with different operation and reoperation rates in patients with flexor tenosynovitis.
This study hypothesizes that...
Original Research

Isaac TT Mason, BEng(Hons)1; Hamish J Rose, BE(Hons)1; Sarah F Williamson, BEng(Hons)1; Alister T Jowsey, BEng(Hons)1; Sean J Gorman, BEng(Hons)1; Henry D Chittock, BEng(Hons)1; Christopher CH Wong, BEng1; Anish J Dheda, BEng(Hons)1; Samuel B Turner, BDes(Hons)1; Young Eun Park, PhD1; Tarek Kollmetz, PhD1; Jenny M Sonis, DVM MS2; J Lacy Kamm, DVM PhD2; Barnaby CH May, PhD1

Isaac TT Mason, BEng(Hons)1; Hamish J...
The ENIVO system represents a new approach to dead space management and seroma prevention and was shown to outperform a SoC surgical drain in a challenging large defect model of surgical dead space management and seroma prevention.
The ENIVO system represents a new approach to dead space management and seroma prevention and was shown to outperform a SoC surgical drain in a challenging large defect model of surgical dead space management and seroma prevention.
The ENIVO system represents a...
Original Research

Mikiko Uemura, PhD, PT1; Masaharu Sugimoto, MS, PT2; Yoshiyuki Yoshikawa, PhD, PT3; Rieko Inoue, MS, PT4

Mikiko Uemura, PhD, PT1; Masaharu Sug...
This study examined the effect of electrical shunting on HDFs migration after ES and suggests that it is important to remove electricity after ES to prevent the generation of reverse currents when ES is applied to promote migration of HDFs.
This study examined the effect of electrical shunting on HDFs migration after ES and suggests that it is important to remove electricity after ES to prevent the generation of reverse currents when ES is applied to promote migration of HDFs.
This study examined the effect...

Robert Thomas, MBChB, BSc, MRCS1; Liam Vermaak, MBBCh, MRCS2; Gareth Price, MBBS, BS, FRCS2

Robert Thomas, MBChB, BSc, MRCS1; Lia...
Extravasation of volumes of contrast over 100 mL is uncommon, accounting for 10% of total injuries. These injuries are frequently managed conservatively; however, those patients with pain and progressive symptoms may benefit from surgical...
Extravasation of volumes of contrast over 100 mL is uncommon, accounting for 10% of total injuries. These injuries are frequently managed conservatively; however, those patients with pain and progressive symptoms may benefit from surgical...
Extravasation of volumes of...
Original Research

Shawhin Rostam Kadivar Shahriari, MD; Cees Whisonant, MD; Amanda Ederle, MD; Gregory Borah, MD

Shawhin Rostam Kadivar Shahriari, MD;...
Previous research has shown that exposure to specialty programs in medical school portends enhanced success in residency matches. This study focuses on medical students who come from schools without plastic surgery residencies—orphans—and the...
Previous research has shown that exposure to specialty programs in medical school portends enhanced success in residency matches. This study focuses on medical students who come from schools without plastic surgery residencies—orphans—and the...
Previous research has shown that...
Original Research
A new design for the bilobed flap that is more mathematically precise than the classic Zitelli design is presented for lower third nasal reconstruction.
A new design for the bilobed flap that is more mathematically precise than the classic Zitelli design is presented for lower third nasal reconstruction.
A new design for the bilobed...
Original Research
This retrospective study analyzed medical records of 236 patients who underwent breast reduction mammaplasty and compared postsurgical outcomes and complications in relation to patient BMI.
This retrospective study analyzed medical records of 236 patients who underwent breast reduction mammaplasty and compared postsurgical outcomes and complications in relation to patient BMI.
This retrospective study...
Original Research
This meta-analysis assessed the potential of 2 closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) systems to mitigate surgical site complications (SSC) and surgical site infections (SSI) in breast surgery.
This meta-analysis assessed the potential of 2 closed incision negative pressure therapy (ciNPT) systems to mitigate surgical site complications (SSC) and surgical site infections (SSI) in breast surgery.
This meta-analysis assessed the...
Case Report
This case report describes a unique anatomical variant during open carpal tunnel release and ring finger trigger release.
This case report describes a unique anatomical variant during open carpal tunnel release and ring finger trigger release.
This case report describes a...
Original Research
Christopher Jou
Kyle J. Chepla
This study compared the costs between Novosorb BTM and Integra CCS bilayer for reconstruction of upper extremity soft tissue defects.
This study compared the costs between Novosorb BTM and Integra CCS bilayer for reconstruction of upper extremity soft tissue defects.
This study compared the costs...
Original Research
Justin Rock
Adam Kurland
Dominick V. Congiusta
Omkar Baxi
Michael M. Vosbikian
Irfan H. Ahmed
This prospective, randomized controlled study compares nail plate replacement versus non-replacement in patients undergoing nail bed repair.
This prospective, randomized controlled study compares nail plate replacement versus non-replacement in patients undergoing nail bed repair.
This prospective, randomized...
Michael Rice
Giulia Colavitti
Philippa Jackson
Sherif Wilson
This novel technique for nipple areolar complex reconstruction is supported by a systematic review of the current literature.
This novel technique for nipple areolar complex reconstruction is supported by a systematic review of the current literature.
This novel technique for nipple...
Case Report
Kaori Yauchi
Natsuki Shikata
Yoshie Shibaoka
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy use in treatment of necrotizing soft tissue infection extending from the buttocks and perineum down to the left lower limb.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy use in treatment of necrotizing soft tissue infection extending from the buttocks and perineum down to the left lower limb.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy use in...
Case Report
Gautam Lokdarshi
Abdul Shameer Shamanzil
This report describes an innovative but simple technique for the repair of medial canthus injury involving canaliculus.
This report describes an innovative but simple technique for the repair of medial canthus injury involving canaliculus.
This report describes an...
Christopher Mantyh
Ronald Silverman
Ashley Collinsworth
Christine Bongards
Leah Griffin
This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the impact of ciNPT on postsurgical outcomes and health care utilization in patients undergoing open abdominal surgeries.
This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the impact of ciNPT on postsurgical outcomes and health care utilization in patients undergoing open abdominal surgeries.
This systematic review and...


