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Dr Cook Talks Advancements in the Treatment of FL With EZH2 Inhibitors



Hello and welcome. My name is Perry Cook. I'm part of the NYP system, and my topic is the use of EZH2 inhibitors in the treatment of patients with follicular lymphoma (FL).

As you know, the first EZH2 inhibitor has now been approved, a drug called Tazverik, tazemetostat.

In the registration trials, which I've presented, the response rate of patients with multiply relapsed FL with EZH2 mutation approaches 70%. Those patients that are wild type, the response rate approaches 35%, so about half.

Their duration of response, counterintuitively, appears to be slightly longer, more than a year, in patients with EZH2 wild type, although the duration in EZH-mutated is nearly the same.

We think that this demonstrates the importance of EZH2 in the physiology of FL cells, and EZH2 may be relevant not just in epithelioid sarcoma, but in other situations.

The relative tolerability of Tazverik, as demonstrated in both FL and epithelioid sarcoma, is such that subsequent studies in combination with other agents are underway, but not yet approved.

EZH2 is also relevant in other cancer types, so those studies are underway as well.

We think that this is the newest of now a relatively longer line of targeted agents relevant for patients with B-cell cancers. This one, restricted at this point to patients with relapsed FL, whether EZH2-mutated or wild type.


Perry C. Cook, MD, NewYork-Pesbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, talks about progress made in the use of EZH2 inhibitors for the treatment of patients with follicular lymphoma (FL).



