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Volume 25 - Issue 6 - November/December 2017 - ALTC


Practical Research
Anupam Chandra, MD, and colleagues investigated trends in 30-day hospital readmissions among patients discharged to SNFs before and after implementation of the ACA, using interrupted time trend analysis at a community practice of an academic...
Anupam Chandra, MD, and colleagues investigated trends in 30-day hospital readmissions among patients discharged to SNFs before and after implementation of the ACA, using interrupted time trend analysis at a community practice of an academic...
Anupam Chandra, MD, and...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Case Report and Brief Review
Saba Afraz, MD, describes an interesting case of arthritis mutilans (AM), including AM presentation, details of the case, treatment, and a brief review of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.
Saba Afraz, MD, describes an interesting case of arthritis mutilans (AM), including AM presentation, details of the case, treatment, and a brief review of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.
Saba Afraz, MD, describes an...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Case Report and Brief Review
Daniel R Bashari, MD, and Yakov Iofel, MD, describe a case of ceftriaxone-induced immune hemolytic anemia discovered in a nonagenarian woman at a skilled nursing facility, who they believe to be the oldest patient to have had this reaction...
Daniel R Bashari, MD, and Yakov Iofel, MD, describe a case of ceftriaxone-induced immune hemolytic anemia discovered in a nonagenarian woman at a skilled nursing facility, who they believe to be the oldest patient to have had this reaction...
Daniel R Bashari, MD, and Yakov...
Annals of Long-Term Care


ECRI Strategies
Victor Lane Rose, MBA, NHA, FCPP, CPASRM, ECRI Institute, discusses the unique infection control concerns that long-term care facilities pose to care professionals and how infection prevention and control can make a difference. 
Victor Lane Rose, MBA, NHA, FCPP, CPASRM, ECRI Institute, discusses the unique infection control concerns that long-term care facilities pose to care professionals and how infection prevention and control can make a difference. 
Victor Lane Rose, MBA, NHA,...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, explains and examines several recently implemented regulatory changes by CMS, which include an expanded definition of psychotropic medications and new limitations on the use of...
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, explains and examines several recently implemented regulatory changes by CMS, which include an expanded definition of psychotropic medications and new limitations on the use of...
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH,...
Annals of Long-Term Care
AGS Viewpoint

American Geriatrics Society (AGS)

American Geriatrics Society (AGS) ...
According to AGS Chief Executive Officer Nancy E Lundebjerg, MPA, “The future we’re working for at the AGS—a future where all older Americans have access to high-quality, person-centered care—begins by building the workforce to make it...
According to AGS Chief Executive Officer Nancy E Lundebjerg, MPA, “The future we’re working for at the AGS—a future where all older Americans have access to high-quality, person-centered care—begins by building the workforce to make it...
According to AGS Chief Executive...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Editor's Page
The articles in the 2017 Novermber/December issue of Annals of Long-Term Care address common geriatric conditions across care settings as well as care delivery specifically in SNFs, providing readers with rare instances of clinical conditions...
The articles in the 2017 Novermber/December issue of Annals of Long-Term Care address common geriatric conditions across care settings as well as care delivery specifically in SNFs, providing readers with rare instances of clinical conditions...
The articles in the 2017...
Annals of Long-Term Care
All of ALTC's published articles for 2017 organized by date, author, and article type. 
All of ALTC's published articles for 2017 organized by date, author, and article type. 
All of ALTC's published articles...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Heather D’Adamo, MD, and colleagues provide a brief overview of flu infection and vaccination in older adults followed by a practical breakdown of preparatory steps, treatment, and management procedures for the flu season in the form of a Tip...
Heather D’Adamo, MD, and colleagues provide a brief overview of flu infection and vaccination in older adults followed by a practical breakdown of preparatory steps, treatment, and management procedures for the flu season in the form of a Tip...
Heather D’Adamo, MD, and...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD, discusses the challenges of talking about driving cessation with older adults with dementia, provides some practical strategies, and debates the ways the Department of Motor Vehicles classifies individuals with...
Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD, discusses the challenges of talking about driving cessation with older adults with dementia, provides some practical strategies, and debates the ways the Department of Motor Vehicles classifies individuals with...
Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD,...
Annals of Long-Term Care