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Volume 24 - Issue 7 - July/August 2016 - ALTC

The OPTIMISTIC transition visit approach, led by a nurse practitioner well-versed in geriatric and transitional care, can improve resident care processes. 
The OPTIMISTIC transition visit approach, led by a nurse practitioner well-versed in geriatric and transitional care, can improve resident care processes. 
The OPTIMISTIC transition visit...
Annals of Long-Term Care
When implementing oral health protocols that meet standards of care for geriatric residents, facilities must find a sustainable solution.
When implementing oral health protocols that meet standards of care for geriatric residents, facilities must find a sustainable solution.
When implementing oral health...
Annals of Long-Term Care

ALTC Editors

ALTC Editors
Researchers, clinicians, care providers, and students from over 70 countries gathered at AAIC 2016 to network and discuss the latest dementia study results. 
Researchers, clinicians, care providers, and students from over 70 countries gathered at AAIC 2016 to network and discuss the latest dementia study results. 
Researchers, clinicians, care...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Quality Improvement
The pilot quality improvement project looked at using the Bristol stool scale to improve communication with long-term care patients regarding constipation.
The pilot quality improvement project looked at using the Bristol stool scale to improve communication with long-term care patients regarding constipation.
The pilot quality improvement...
Annals of Long-Term Care


When the lives of older adults become burdened with a chronic illness, how people know and interact with them changes.
When the lives of older adults become burdened with a chronic illness, how people know and interact with them changes.
When the lives of older adults...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Under the pay-for-performance system, facilities will be less focused on shortening length of stay and more focused on their ability to have a positive impact.
Under the pay-for-performance system, facilities will be less focused on shortening length of stay and more focused on their ability to have a positive impact.
Under the pay-for-performance...
Annals of Long-Term Care
AGS Viewpoint

American Geriatrics Society (AGS)

American Geriatrics Society (AGS) ...
CMS proposes making payment for a number of services provided to chronically ill older adults—changes which, when finalized, will dramatically improve current payment for chronic care management and assessment as well as care planning for...
CMS proposes making payment for a number of services provided to chronically ill older adults—changes which, when finalized, will dramatically improve current payment for chronic care management and assessment as well as care planning for...
CMS proposes making payment for...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Editor's Page
The articles in this issue of Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging® provide examples of intervention opportunities and demonstrate how improved communication and education can lead to improved outcomes for long-term care...
The articles in this issue of Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging® provide examples of intervention opportunities and demonstrate how improved communication and education can lead to improved outcomes for long-term care...
The articles in this issue of...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Letters to the Editor
Tina Castañares, MD, writes concerning an article in the April 2016 issue of ALTC, pointing out the roles of community health workers in long-term care teams. The article authors then respond. 
Tina Castañares, MD, writes concerning an article in the April 2016 issue of ALTC, pointing out the roles of community health workers in long-term care teams. The article authors then respond. 
Tina Castañares, MD, writes...
Annals of Long-Term Care