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Arnold H. Seto, MD, MPA, CCDS, FACC, FSCAI

Editor's Corner
A coronary perforation is a rare but frightening event in the cardiac cath lab.
A coronary perforation is a rare but frightening event in the cardiac cath lab.
A coronary perforation is a rare...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Update
The STAT2 trial is a follow-up study that enrolled 443 patients and attempted a full deflation of the TR Band at 60 minutes for both arms of the study, which offered more of an apples-to-apples comparison than the pilot study.
The STAT2 trial is a follow-up study that enrolled 443 patients and attempted a full deflation of the TR Band at 60 minutes for both arms of the study, which offered more of an apples-to-apples comparison than the pilot study.
The STAT2 trial is a follow-up...
Cath Lab Digest
Kern Drachman Seto
Live with Dr. Kern
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman discuss their experience with upsizing radial sheaths and the current status of radial access in the United States.
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman discuss their experience with upsizing radial sheaths and the current status of radial access in the United States.
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman...
Cath Lab Digest
Transradial Series
In this report, we demonstrate how ultrasound guidance can facilitate an otherwise challenging situation of upper extremity access for right and left heart catheterization.
In this report, we demonstrate how ultrasound guidance can facilitate an otherwise challenging situation of upper extremity access for right and left heart catheterization.
In this report, we demonstrate...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Dr. Kern and his expert colleagues discuss a specific angiographic question: “Should final angiography always be done with the guide wire in or out of the artery?”
Dr. Kern and his expert colleagues discuss a specific angiographic question: “Should final angiography always be done with the guide wire in or out of the artery?”
Dr. Kern and his expert...
Cath Lab Digest
Letters to the Editor
The authors report the urgent need for the correction of two figure labels in the July 2015 article by Sobolev et al. An erratum is attached, and the figures have been corrected accordingly.
The authors report the urgent need for the correction of two figure labels in the July 2015 article by Sobolev et al. An erratum is attached, and the figures have been corrected accordingly.
The authors report the urgent...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Coronary Thrombosis in the Time of COVID-19 – A Puzzling Entity (With Video Discussion)
Clinical Editor's Corner
We had a puzzling case. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with 1 day of anterior chest pain at rest, somewhat positional. Three months ago, he had COVID-19 flu syndrome without hospitalization.
We had a puzzling case. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with 1 day of anterior chest pain at rest, somewhat positional. Three months ago, he had COVID-19 flu syndrome without hospitalization.
We had a puzzling case. A...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
It is common knowledge that working in the cath lab is a team sport. The physicians and fellow operators work with and depend on the staff (RNs, LVNs, RTs, RCISs, CVTs, etc.). All of us benefit from the experience of the team, both...
It is common knowledge that working in the cath lab is a team sport. The physicians and fellow operators work with and depend on the staff (RNs, LVNs, RTs, RCISs, CVTs, etc.). All of us benefit from the experience of the team, both...
It is common knowledge that...
Cath Lab Digest
Simultaneous Axillary Venous Access for Pulmonary Artery Pressure Monitor and Biventricular Defibrillator Implantation
Case Study
We describe implantation via the axillary vein at the time of biventricular defibrillator implantation.
We describe implantation via the axillary vein at the time of biventricular defibrillator implantation.
We describe implantation via the...
EP Lab Digest