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Douglas E. Drachman, MD

There are no formal guidelines to direct the management of coronary artery aneurysm in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes; controversies exist whether conservative, surgical, or catheter-based management should be pursued. We...
There are no formal guidelines to direct the management of coronary artery aneurysm in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes; controversies exist whether conservative, surgical, or catheter-based management should be pursued. We...
There are no formal guidelines...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Kern Drachman Seto
Live with Dr. Kern
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman discuss their experience with upsizing radial sheaths and the current status of radial access in the United States.
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman discuss their experience with upsizing radial sheaths and the current status of radial access in the United States.
Drs Kern, Seto, and Drachman...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
It is common knowledge that working in the cath lab is a team sport. The physicians and fellow operators work with and depend on the staff (RNs, LVNs, RTs, RCISs, CVTs, etc.). All of us benefit from the experience of the team, both...
It is common knowledge that working in the cath lab is a team sport. The physicians and fellow operators work with and depend on the staff (RNs, LVNs, RTs, RCISs, CVTs, etc.). All of us benefit from the experience of the team, both...
It is common knowledge that...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
"I had a 6 French [F] radial sheath in situ, and wanted to perform a 7F intervention, but didn’t want to convert to femoral. What methods have you used to upsize radial sheaths?”
"I had a 6 French [F] radial sheath in situ, and wanted to perform a 7F intervention, but didn’t want to convert to femoral. What methods have you used to upsize radial sheaths?”
"I had a 6 French [F] radial...
Cath Lab Digest