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Matheen A. Khuddus

Although hospital systems are quick to embrace the transradial approach due to its proven cost savings, improved outcomes, and an increase in same-day discharge, only a few have dedicated the resources to streamlining recovery post-TRA...
Although hospital systems are quick to embrace the transradial approach due to its proven cost savings, improved outcomes, and an increase in same-day discharge, only a few have dedicated the resources to streamlining recovery post-TRA...
Although hospital systems are...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Dr. Kern and his expert colleagues discuss a specific angiographic question: “Should final angiography always be done with the guide wire in or out of the artery?”
Dr. Kern and his expert colleagues discuss a specific angiographic question: “Should final angiography always be done with the guide wire in or out of the artery?”
Dr. Kern and his expert...
Cath Lab Digest