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Steven L. Goldberg, MD

The study by Faulknier and colleagues evaluates the clinical impact of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) on stent deployment, using bare-metal stents.1 These investigators retrospectively evaluated the clinical outcomes of 50 stent cases where...
The study by Faulknier and colleagues evaluates the clinical impact of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) on stent deployment, using bare-metal stents.1 These investigators retrospectively evaluated the clinical outcomes of 50 stent cases where...
The study by Faulknier and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Letter to the Editor Re: "Conversations in Cardiology: How Should Complex Procedures in Small Community Hospitals Be Managed?"
Letters to the Editor
I read with interest the group discussion regarding the role of community hospitals in the performance of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure (Conversations in Cardiology:  How Should Complex Procedures in Small Community Hospitals Be...
I read with interest the group discussion regarding the role of community hospitals in the performance of patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure (Conversations in Cardiology:  How Should Complex Procedures in Small Community Hospitals Be...
I read with interest the group...
Cath Lab Digest
After World War I, two independent companies named Bayer separately marketed the same compound with the trademarked name, Aspirin. This absurd scenario was well chronicled in the book, The Aspirin Wars, by Mann and Plummer.1 For the past...
After World War I, two independent companies named Bayer separately marketed the same compound with the trademarked name, Aspirin. This absurd scenario was well chronicled in the book, The Aspirin Wars, by Mann and Plummer.1 For the past...
After World War I, two...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
In this issue of the Journal, Muramatsu et al. write of their experience using angioplasty guided by physiological assessment as an alternative to stenting in treating acute myocardial infarction. The potential See Muramatsu et al. on pages...
In this issue of the Journal, Muramatsu et al. write of their experience using angioplasty guided by physiological assessment as an alternative to stenting in treating acute myocardial infarction. The potential See Muramatsu et al. on pages...
In this issue of the Journal,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
This study evaluates the implantation success and hemodynamic results of the Carillon Mitral Contour System. 
This study evaluates the implantation success and hemodynamic results of the Carillon Mitral Contour System. 
This study evaluates the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Plaque begets plaque is a lesson to be learned from the article by Okabe and colleagues.1 It sounds tautological, and certainly simplistic, yet may be missed in a time where a great deal of attention is focused on strategies to identify...
Plaque begets plaque is a lesson to be learned from the article by Okabe and colleagues.1 It sounds tautological, and certainly simplistic, yet may be missed in a time where a great deal of attention is focused on strategies to identify...
Plaque begets plaque is a lesson...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Editor's Corner
Early in the field of cardiac catheterization, heparin anticoagulation was required for almost every procedure in order to prevent thrombosis on the catheter, as the initial catheter materials, like Dacron, were highly thrombogenic. Often the...
Early in the field of cardiac catheterization, heparin anticoagulation was required for almost every procedure in order to prevent thrombosis on the catheter, as the initial catheter materials, like Dacron, were highly thrombogenic. Often the...
Early in the field of cardiac...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
Case Report. A 22-year-old female presented to an outside hospital with back pain radiating to the epigastrum. The patient had a history of hypertension and Takayasu’s arteritis. At age 17 she underwent resection of an ascending aortic...
Case Report. A 22-year-old female presented to an outside hospital with back pain radiating to the epigastrum. The patient had a history of hypertension and Takayasu’s arteritis. At age 17 she underwent resection of an ascending aortic...
Case Report. A 22-year-old...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Coronary Thrombosis in the Time of COVID-19 – A Puzzling Entity (With Video Discussion)
Clinical Editor's Corner
We had a puzzling case. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with 1 day of anterior chest pain at rest, somewhat positional. Three months ago, he had COVID-19 flu syndrome without hospitalization.
We had a puzzling case. A 37-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with 1 day of anterior chest pain at rest, somewhat positional. Three months ago, he had COVID-19 flu syndrome without hospitalization.
We had a puzzling case. A...
Cath Lab Digest