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Kreton Mavromatis, MD

Clinical Editor's Corner
Early in the field of cardiac catheterization, heparin anticoagulation was required for almost every procedure in order to prevent thrombosis on the catheter, as the initial catheter materials, like Dacron, were highly thrombogenic. Often the...
Early in the field of cardiac catheterization, heparin anticoagulation was required for almost every procedure in order to prevent thrombosis on the catheter, as the initial catheter materials, like Dacron, were highly thrombogenic. Often the...
Early in the field of cardiac...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Watch/listen (video included in article below) as Dr. Kern and Dr. Arnold H. Seto discuss this article in a 30-minute Clinical Editor's Corner Live presentation that took place on Thurs, January 28th at 1:30pm ET. 
Watch/listen (video included in article below) as Dr. Kern and Dr. Arnold H. Seto discuss this article in a 30-minute Clinical Editor's Corner Live presentation that took place on Thurs, January 28th at 1:30pm ET. 
Watch/listen (video included in...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries) are now widely known and gathering attention regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Many labs now have sensor guidewires and software to make this possible. Specialized...
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries) are now widely known and gathering attention regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Many labs now have sensor guidewires and software to make this possible. Specialized...
INOCA and MINOCA (myocardial...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Dr. Ajay Kirtane asks, “I know of a couple of other places who do [pre-cath] lipid testing, but I think it is by far the exception rather than the rule. What are your thoughts?”
Dr. Ajay Kirtane asks, “I know of a couple of other places who do [pre-cath] lipid testing, but I think it is by far the exception rather than the rule. What are your thoughts?”
Dr. Ajay Kirtane asks, “I know...
Cath Lab Digest
Original Contribution
Balloon sizing can complement multidetector CT for annular sizing in TAVR, especially in patients with moderate/severe annular calcification, borderline annular size, and non-tubular LVOT. 
Balloon sizing can complement multidetector CT for annular sizing in TAVR, especially in patients with moderate/severe annular calcification, borderline annular size, and non-tubular LVOT. 
Balloon sizing can complement...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology