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Atopic Dermatitis NEA Approved Features

Quiz: Pain in Atopic Dermatitis
NEA Approved Features
While itch is the most burdensome symptom of AD, pain can also cause stress and negatively affect quality of life.
While itch is the most burdensome symptom of AD, pain can also cause stress and negatively affect quality of life.
While itch is the most...
The Dermatologist
Controversies in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
NEA Approved Features
While therapies and treatment algorithms have evolved, the literature still reports conflicting evidence on best approaches to atopic dermatitis, risk factors, and management options.
While therapies and treatment algorithms have evolved, the literature still reports conflicting evidence on best approaches to atopic dermatitis, risk factors, and management options.
While therapies and treatment...
The Dermatologist
Get Eczema Wise During Eczema Awareness Month
Partner Approved
As research continues to better differentiate between eczema and other diagnoses, the National Eczema Association continues to push awareness among patients and physicians with Eczema Awareness Month.
As research continues to better differentiate between eczema and other diagnoses, the National Eczema Association continues to push awareness among patients and physicians with Eczema Awareness Month.
As research continues to better...
The Dermatologist
NEA Approved Features
Itch is one of the most common—and distressing—symptoms of atopic dermatitis, and effectively treating it requires an understanding of the underlying pathology of the disease.
Itch is one of the most common—and distressing—symptoms of atopic dermatitis, and effectively treating it requires an understanding of the underlying pathology of the disease.
Itch is one of the most...
The Dermatologist
Complementary and Alternative Medicines for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
Partner Approved
Patients often describe seeking alternatives and adjuncts to care for the treatment of their atopic dermatitis. The literature has explored some of the potential in these options.
Patients often describe seeking alternatives and adjuncts to care for the treatment of their atopic dermatitis. The literature has explored some of the potential in these options.
Patients often describe seeking...
The Dermatologist
Adolescent Atopic Dermatitis
Partner Approved
Atopic dermatitis can have a significant effect on the quality of life of all patients, especially for the children and adolescents who are primarily affected by the disease.
Atopic dermatitis can have a significant effect on the quality of life of all patients, especially for the children and adolescents who are primarily affected by the disease.
Atopic dermatitis can have a...
The Dermatologist
NEA Approved Features
Patients with eczema often wonder if their diet can affect their disease severity. In an interview with The Dermatologist, Aaron Drucker, MD, discussed his study on the role of gluten as a risk factor for inflammatory disease severity.
Patients with eczema often wonder if their diet can affect their disease severity. In an interview with The Dermatologist, Aaron Drucker, MD, discussed his study on the role of gluten as a risk factor for inflammatory disease severity.
Patients with eczema often...
The Dermatologist
NEA Approved Features
Genetic polymorphisms and defects are commonly found in patients with atopic dermatitis. A more personalized therapy that considers individual genetics and pathogenesis may provide a more effective treatment approach.
Genetic polymorphisms and defects are commonly found in patients with atopic dermatitis. A more personalized therapy that considers individual genetics and pathogenesis may provide a more effective treatment approach.
Genetic polymorphisms and...
The Dermatologist
Partner Approved
Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in skin of color and in various age groups can be challenging. Understanding the differences in presentation can help with implementing appropriate treatment sooner.
Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis in skin of color and in various age groups can be challenging. Understanding the differences in presentation can help with implementing appropriate treatment sooner.
Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis...
The Dermatologist
NEA Approved Features
In an interview with The Dermatologist, Andrew F. Alexis, MD, reviewed important considerations for diagnosing and treating atopic dermatitis in patients with skin of color.
In an interview with The Dermatologist, Andrew F. Alexis, MD, reviewed important considerations for diagnosing and treating atopic dermatitis in patients with skin of color.
In an interview with The...
The Dermatologist