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Author Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this journal.  

We collaborate with our Chief Medical Editor, Steve Feldman, MD, PhD, to formulate articles with informative and practical information for today’s dermatologists. Depending on the article topic, we will contact select members of our editorial board to gain their insights on the topic under consideration to make sure it is worthy of our readership. 

Typically, we are looking for ideas that focus on a specific clinical procedure or a new treatment or technology. We also have a section in the magazine devoted to practice management topics. Once we have honed the idea to make sure it will offer valuable insights to our readers, we ask leading doctors in dermatology to write for us. 

We also accept already-written, original (never published) manuscripts, provided they are well targeted and offer practical and updated information that doctors can immediately put into practice. We aim to include articles that are not focused on one product or drug, such as review articles, which our readers consistently rate as highly read. 

Cover Page. Upon submission, please list all authors on a cover page indicating titles and affiliations for each author. Please indicate the corresponding author, and provide his or her mailing address, e-mail address, and phone/fax numbers. Feature articles typically run from 1800 to 2500 words and columns run about 750 to 1500 words. Articles should be submitted as a single-spaced word/text document with single spaces between sentences. We encourage the inclusion of images, tables, and charts wherever applicable. 

Disclosure Information: Full author financial disclosure and any information regarding conflict of interest must be provided in the title page at the time of manuscript submission. 

When a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to sign the following statements:

1. financial disclosure related to the products, services, or companies described in the manuscript,

2. authorship and content responsibility,

3. use and role of a medical writer or editor in the preparation of the work and source of his/her financial support.

Figures/Images: Provide any images and captions along with your manuscript; these can be e-mailed as TIFF (.tif) or JPEG (.jpg) image files to us. Images should be high-quality for print purposes (typically 300 dpi at a minimum size of about 3 x 5 inches) Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any tables, figures, or other illustrations that were originally published elsewhere; written documentation of this permission should be submitted along with the manuscript.

References: All references should be cited in full and provided in AMA style, as shown belowPlease do not use Endnotes to prepare the references. AMA style dictates that references are numbered chronologically as they appear in the text. If a reference is cited multiple times, it is noted using the number of its initial appearance. References are listed at the end of manuscript and in the numerical order in which they appear in the text. Please choose references judiciously and include only those that were important in the work reported. All information needed to identify and retrieve the source must be included. We follow AMA Style. For example:

References to publications in journals, magazines, and other periodicals must include (please note appropriate punctuation):

Author name(s) — last name and initials (no and or &). Title of the article/work. Title of the periodical. Year; volume (issue number): page numbers.

References to book chapters include:

Author name(s). Title of the chapter. In: Editor(s) name(s) (ed[s]). Title of the book. Location of publisher: Publisher name; Year: page numbers,

Reference to an online source of information:

Author name(s). Title of the work. Available at: provide htttp://site. Accessed month, day, year.

Notes about References

1. For the references to publications in journals, magazines, and other periodicals, the journal name should use the PubMed abbreviation. There are no spaces between the year;volume(issue number):page numbers.

2. For the references to an online source of information, the “www” is only needed in the website address if there is no “http” – for example, or

Articles should be submitted to Coleen Stern, MA, Senior Managing Editor at

We accept submissions for: 


Features frequently cover a disease state and established and emerging treatments. Word counts run from 1800 to 2500 words with references. Features must be objective and not promotional. 


Cases on a specific condition, such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or skin cancer, are always welcome. Clinical photos and references can be included where appropriate. 


If you have a case you would like to see published in our Derm DX section, please review recently published cases and send a write-up (1,200 to 1,500 words) and clinical jpeg images (300 dpi) of the patient’s condition to Dr. Amor Khachemoune at


