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Skin Cancer Topic Center


skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to develop a 3-dimensional model of neural invasion in squamous cell carcinoma to better understand its underlying biologic mechanisms, which are still poorly understood.
Researchers aimed to develop a 3-dimensional model of neural invasion in squamous cell carcinoma to better understand its underlying biologic mechanisms, which are still poorly understood.
Researchers aimed to develop a...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers for adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with macroscopic stage III melanoma.
Researchers aimed to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers for adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with macroscopic stage III melanoma.
Researchers aimed to identify...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to investigate the relationship between insulin use, social determinants of health, and non-melanoma skin cancer risk among individuals with diabetes.
Researchers aimed to investigate the relationship between insulin use, social determinants of health, and non-melanoma skin cancer risk among individuals with diabetes.
Researchers aimed to investigate...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data alongside clinical information.
Researchers analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data alongside clinical information.
Researchers analyzed single-cell...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers examined the correlation between cuproptosis-related and Hippo pathway-related genes and melanoma prognosis using public databases and experimental validation.
Researchers examined the correlation between cuproptosis-related and Hippo pathway-related genes and melanoma prognosis using public databases and experimental validation.
Researchers examined the...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers introduced a novel approach by combining topological data analysis (TDA) and deep learning (DL) through ensemble learning to develop a hybrid TDA-DL basal cell carcinoma diagnostic model.
Researchers introduced a novel approach by combining topological data analysis (TDA) and deep learning (DL) through ensemble learning to develop a hybrid TDA-DL basal cell carcinoma diagnostic model.
Researchers introduced a novel...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
Photodynamic therapy using topical photosensitizers may offer improved therapeutic outcomes with reduced toxicity for patients with skin conditions such as actinic keratosis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and field...
Photodynamic therapy using topical photosensitizers may offer improved therapeutic outcomes with reduced toxicity for patients with skin conditions such as actinic keratosis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and field...
Photodynamic therapy using...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers have investigated the dermoscopic characteristics of histopathologically aggressive basal cell carcinoma subtypes.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers have investigated the dermoscopic characteristics of histopathologically aggressive basal cell carcinoma subtypes.
According to a study published...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that neoadjuvant therapy with pembrolizumab may improve outcomes for patients with resectable melanoma.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that neoadjuvant therapy with pembrolizumab may improve outcomes for patients with resectable melanoma.
A study published in the New...
The Dermatologist
Lisa Kuhns, PhD
A model to predict the number of stages needed in Mohs micrographic surgery and the need for a complex closure was developed in a recent study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
A model to predict the number of stages needed in Mohs micrographic surgery and the need for a complex closure was developed in a recent study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
A model to predict the number of...
The Dermatologist
Lisa Kuhns, PhD
Racial and ethnic minority groups are less likely to feel that their doctor shows respect, listens, and explains during clinical encounters, which may contribute to an increased risk of poor skin cancer outcomes in these patients.
Racial and ethnic minority groups are less likely to feel that their doctor shows respect, listens, and explains during clinical encounters, which may contribute to an increased risk of poor skin cancer outcomes in these patients.
Racial and ethnic minority...
The Dermatologist

Case Reports

DID Reviewed Article
Tristan Hasbargen, PA-C
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a popular dermatologic treatment more than 100 years ago until newer medications came to market. Recent studies of PDT have shown some efficacy of treating actinic keratoses.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a popular dermatologic treatment more than 100 years ago until newer medications came to market. Recent studies of PDT have shown some efficacy of treating actinic keratoses.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Melissa Nickles, BA
Kurt A. Ashack, MD
Amor Khachemoune, MD, FAAD, FACMS, Section Editor
A 14-year-old Hispanic boy presented to the dermatology clinic with multiple asymptomatic, circular indentations on both palms after immersing his hands in water.
A 14-year-old Hispanic boy presented to the dermatology clinic with multiple asymptomatic, circular indentations on both palms after immersing his hands in water.
A 14-year-old Hispanic boy...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Linda Susan Marcus, MD
Novel diagnostic tests may be useful in helping to detect malignancy, particularly if the test can be used by the patient remotely. Like any new therapy or technique, these tests need more study to determine their clinical utility for...
Novel diagnostic tests may be useful in helping to detect malignancy, particularly if the test can be used by the patient remotely. Like any new therapy or technique, these tests need more study to determine their clinical utility for...
Novel diagnostic tests may be...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Jeremy Youse, MD
Personal ancedotes and published research are starting to explore how the pandemic may have impacted skin cancer diagnosis and care. Dermatologists have to take an active role in patient outreach to improve downstream outcomes.
Personal ancedotes and published research are starting to explore how the pandemic may have impacted skin cancer diagnosis and care. Dermatologists have to take an active role in patient outreach to improve downstream outcomes.
Personal ancedotes and published...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Sabrina Lichon Bennett, MD
Karl Napekoski, MD
Vanessa Lichon, MD
Amor Khachemoune, MD, FAAD, FACMS, Section Editor
A 33-year-old woman presented to the clinic complaining of a “firm spot” on her left cheek that rapidly grew and stabilized over the course of approximately 6 weeks.
A 33-year-old woman presented to the clinic complaining of a “firm spot” on her left cheek that rapidly grew and stabilized over the course of approximately 6 weeks.
A 33-year-old woman presented to...
The Dermatologist
What Is the Underlying Cause of These Exophytic Lesions?
Derm Dx
Haley Caire, Justin Creel, MD, William Poche, MD
A 102-year-old African American woman presented to the dermatology clinic for initial management of lesions on her right medial foot. The lesions had been present for several weeks, and the patient was unable to recall any preceding trauma,...
A 102-year-old African American woman presented to the dermatology clinic for initial management of lesions on her right medial foot. The lesions had been present for several weeks, and the patient was unable to recall any preceding trauma,...
A 102-year-old African American...
The Dermatologist
Office-Based Surface Radiotherapy for the Dermatology Clinic: A Two-Case Study
Feature Story
Steven A. Davis, MD
Standard of care for patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) remains to be surgical treatment. A number of techniques, including standard excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and electrodesiccation and...
Standard of care for patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) remains to be surgical treatment. A number of techniques, including standard excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and electrodesiccation and...
The Dermatologist
What Is This Hyperpigmented Scalp Nodule?
Derm Dx
Ciara Grayson, MS
Adam Richardson, DO
and Karen Heidelberg, MD, Amor Khachemoune, MD, FAAD, FACMS, Section Editor
Figure 1 Case Report A 75-year-old African American woman presented to the clinic with a history of a slowly growing asymptomatic nodule on the right anterior scalp over a few months. Physical exam...
Figure 1 Case Report A 75-year-old African American woman presented to the clinic with a history of a slowly growing asymptomatic nodule on the right anterior scalp over a few months. Physical exam...
The Dermatologist
Primary Cutaneous Myoepithelial Carcinoma Discovered Incidentally During Mohs Surgery
Feature Story
Vassiliki Papastavros, MD, Pavan K. Nootheti, MD, FAAD, FACMS
Primary cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma is very rare, with fewer than 15 cases reported in the literature to date. In our patient, primary cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma was discovered incidentally during Mohs...
Primary cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma is very rare, with fewer than 15 cases reported in the literature to date. In our patient, primary cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma was discovered incidentally during Mohs...
The Dermatologist
A Tender Eyebrow Nodule Heralding the Malignant Degeneration of a Spiradenoma
Feature Story
Christopher White, DO, Tesia Kolodziejczyk, BA, Kristin Witfill, DO
While uncommon, the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous adnexal tumors such as spiradenocarcinoma are incredibly important for prognostic implications.   Spiradenocarcinomas are rare, malignant eccrine tumors...
While uncommon, the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous adnexal tumors such as spiradenocarcinoma are incredibly important for prognostic implications.   Spiradenocarcinomas are rare, malignant eccrine tumors...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
A healthy 3-month-old male infant was brought in by his mother for evaluation of a recurrent blister on his right dorsal hand.
A healthy 3-month-old male infant was brought in by his mother for evaluation of a recurrent blister on his right dorsal hand.
A healthy 3-month-old male...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Have natural language processing and large language models matured enough to support implementation of artificial intelligence-assisted scribing in the right clinical setting?
Have natural language processing and large language models matured enough to support implementation of artificial intelligence-assisted scribing in the right clinical setting?
Have natural language processing...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Philip R. Cohen, MD
A 48-year-old man presented with a progressively enlarging tumor on his right wrist.
A 48-year-old man presented with a progressively enlarging tumor on his right wrist.
A 48-year-old man presented with...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Ömer Kutlu, MD, MRCP, EBDV, and Özlem Acar Dirican, MD
A 71-year-old man with a history of a prostate adenocarcinoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia for which he has been properly treated and monitored by the oncology department presented to our clinic with a single pink growth on the palm of...
A 71-year-old man with a history of a prostate adenocarcinoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia for which he has been properly treated and monitored by the oncology department presented to our clinic with a single pink growth on the palm of...
A 71-year-old man with a history...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Ross Lane Pearlman, MD
Innovations like machine learning models will change everything. But not in the most obvious ways.
Innovations like machine learning models will change everything. But not in the most obvious ways.
Innovations like machine...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Corley Pruneda, MD; Kush Maheshwari, BS; and Michelle Tarbox, MD
A 32-year-old-woman was referred to the dermatology clinic for evaluation of an umbilical lesion.
A 32-year-old-woman was referred to the dermatology clinic for evaluation of an umbilical lesion.
A 32-year-old-woman was referred...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Sumeyye Ozer, MD; Samavia Khan, BS; Banu Farabi, MD; Bijan Safai, MD, DSc; and Mehmet Faith Atak, MD
An 83-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with discoloration on her fingernails and toenails.
An 83-year-old woman was referred to our clinic with discoloration on her fingernails and toenails.
An 83-year-old woman was...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx

Aamir N. Hussain, MD, MAPP; Riadh Cheddadi; and Amor Khachemoune, MD, Section Editor

Aamir N. Hussain, MD, MAPP; Riadh Che...
A 6-year-old female patient presented with recurrent, yellowish, thickened plaques on her bilateral palms and soles.
A 6-year-old female patient presented with recurrent, yellowish, thickened plaques on her bilateral palms and soles.
A 6-year-old female patient...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story

Nicole Natarelli, BA; Monica Khadka, BA, BS; Amanda Krenitsky, MD; and Ann Lin, DO, MS

Nicole Natarelli, BA; Monica Khadka, ...
Social media platforms provide novel opportunities for physicians and patients to share health information, but the accuracy of posts must be vetted to avoid misinformation.
Social media platforms provide novel opportunities for physicians and patients to share health information, but the accuracy of posts must be vetted to avoid misinformation.
Social media platforms provide...
The Dermatologist
Derm Dx
Raza Khan, BS; Chance Morris, MD; and Pamela Allen, MD
A 45-year-old woman with Fitzpatrick II skin phototype presented with a 7-month history of a widespread, pruritic rash unchanged by levocetirizine 5 mg twice daily and hydroxyzine 25 mg every night at bedtime.
A 45-year-old woman with Fitzpatrick II skin phototype presented with a 7-month history of a widespread, pruritic rash unchanged by levocetirizine 5 mg twice daily and hydroxyzine 25 mg every night at bedtime.
A 45-year-old woman with...
The Dermatologist

Expert Insights

Dr Manuel Valdebran
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
In this interview, Dr Manuel Valdebran discusses the association between sun protective behaviors and family history of melanoma, along with the importance of recommending alternate SPB in addition to sunscreen use.
In this interview, Dr Manuel Valdebran discusses the association between sun protective behaviors and family history of melanoma, along with the importance of recommending alternate SPB in addition to sunscreen use.
In this interview, Dr Manuel...
The Dermatologist
Vernon Sondak
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
In this interview, The Dermatologist met with Dr Vernon Sondak to discuss his recent session, “Update on the Latest Advances in Treatment of Melanoma,” at the 2023 AAD Annual Meeting.
In this interview, The Dermatologist met with Dr Vernon Sondak to discuss his recent session, “Update on the Latest Advances in Treatment of Melanoma,” at the 2023 AAD Annual Meeting.
In this interview, The...
The Dermatologist
Dr Julia Siegel
Julia Siegel, MD
Dr Julia Siegel discusses the importance of photoprotection, sunscreen, and how the pandemic has affected patient skin exams.
Dr Julia Siegel discusses the importance of photoprotection, sunscreen, and how the pandemic has affected patient skin exams.
Dr Julia Siegel discusses the...
The Dermatologist
DID Reviewed Article
Tristan Hasbargen, PA-C
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a popular dermatologic treatment more than 100 years ago until newer medications came to market. Recent studies of PDT have shown some efficacy of treating actinic keratoses.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a popular dermatologic treatment more than 100 years ago until newer medications came to market. Recent studies of PDT have shown some efficacy of treating actinic keratoses.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was a...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Linda Susan Marcus, MD
Novel diagnostic tests may be useful in helping to detect malignancy, particularly if the test can be used by the patient remotely. Like any new therapy or technique, these tests need more study to determine their clinical utility for...
Novel diagnostic tests may be useful in helping to detect malignancy, particularly if the test can be used by the patient remotely. Like any new therapy or technique, these tests need more study to determine their clinical utility for...
Novel diagnostic tests may be...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Jeremy Youse, MD
Personal ancedotes and published research are starting to explore how the pandemic may have impacted skin cancer diagnosis and care. Dermatologists have to take an active role in patient outreach to improve downstream outcomes.
Personal ancedotes and published research are starting to explore how the pandemic may have impacted skin cancer diagnosis and care. Dermatologists have to take an active role in patient outreach to improve downstream outcomes.
Personal ancedotes and published...
The Dermatologist
Dr Goyal-O’Leary on mycosis fungoides and melanoma
In this video Dr Goyal shares her unique tips and insights for fellow dermatologists regarding mycosis fungoides and melanoma.
In this video Dr Goyal shares her unique tips and insights for fellow dermatologists regarding mycosis fungoides and melanoma.
In this video Dr Goyal shares...
The Dermatologist
Melanoma: On the Cusp of New Advances
Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital Editor
Just over the horizon of melanoma diagnosis and treatment are a number of exciting opportunities, from prevention therapeutics to telehealth. Dr Sancy Leachman shares her perspective.
Just over the horizon of melanoma diagnosis and treatment are a number of exciting opportunities, from prevention therapeutics to telehealth. Dr Sancy Leachman shares her perspective.
Just over the horizon of...
The Dermatologist
The Fight for Photoprotection: Pushing for Increased Sunscreen Access
Cover Story
Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor
Photoprotection is a critical part of basic skin care, let alone skin cancer prevention. Improving access to sunscreen products, particularly when it comes to travel, could mean improved outcomes for all patients.
Photoprotection is a critical part of basic skin care, let alone skin cancer prevention. Improving access to sunscreen products, particularly when it comes to travel, could mean improved outcomes for all patients.
Photoprotection is a critical...
The Dermatologist
Office-Based Surface Radiotherapy for the Dermatology Clinic: A Two-Case Study
Feature Story
Steven A. Davis, MD
Standard of care for patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) remains to be surgical treatment. A number of techniques, including standard excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and electrodesiccation and...
Standard of care for patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) remains to be surgical treatment. A number of techniques, including standard excision, Mohs micrographic surgery, and electrodesiccation and...
The Dermatologist
Feature Story
Have natural language processing and large language models matured enough to support implementation of artificial intelligence-assisted scribing in the right clinical setting?
Have natural language processing and large language models matured enough to support implementation of artificial intelligence-assisted scribing in the right clinical setting?
Have natural language processing...
The Dermatologist
Cover Story
This case-based discussion highlights the importance of integrating clinical knowledge with the individualized patient scenario.
This case-based discussion highlights the importance of integrating clinical knowledge with the individualized patient scenario.
This case-based discussion...
The Dermatologist
Dr Adam Friedman
Climbing the mountain to get to dermatology residency is bone breaking enough, but what about the next apex, even more specialized training such as a Dermatopathology Fellowship?
Climbing the mountain to get to dermatology residency is bone breaking enough, but what about the next apex, even more specialized training such as a Dermatopathology Fellowship?
Climbing the mountain to get to...
The Dermatologist
Ramone F. Williams, MD, MPhil

Featuring Ramone F. Williams, MD, MPhil

Featuring Ramone F. Williams, MD, MPh...
In this interview, Dr Ramone F. Williams discusses the Mohs Surgeons Leading the Future program and highlights the program's objectives, the specific projects undertaken, and the valuable lessons learned by participants in enhancing their...
In this interview, Dr Ramone F. Williams discusses the Mohs Surgeons Leading the Future program and highlights the program's objectives, the specific projects undertaken, and the valuable lessons learned by participants in enhancing their...
In this interview, Dr Ramone F....
The Dermatologist
Cover Story
Aamir Hussain, MD, MAPP
What do students and mentors need to know to stay above water? This article spotlights the ongoing debates regarding dermatology residency applications and suggests a path forward for students and their mentors.
What do students and mentors need to know to stay above water? This article spotlights the ongoing debates regarding dermatology residency applications and suggests a path forward for students and their mentors.
What do students and mentors...
The Dermatologist
In collaboration with Regeneron’s Let’s Get Real About Skin Cancer program, a panel of distinguished dermatologists and oncologists delve into the critical importance of a multidisciplinary care team (MDT) for advanced cases of non-melanoma...
In collaboration with Regeneron’s Let’s Get Real About Skin Cancer program, a panel of distinguished dermatologists and oncologists delve into the critical importance of a multidisciplinary care team (MDT) for advanced cases of non-melanoma...
In collaboration with...
The Dermatologist
The ElderDerm: Episode 3, Shared- Decision Making

Featuring Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath

Featuring Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya M...
In our next segment of the ElderDerm Podcast, listen to co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath discuss what shared decision-making is, and why it is important in dermatology.
In our next segment of the ElderDerm Podcast, listen to co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath discuss what shared decision-making is, and why it is important in dermatology.
In our next segment of the...
The Dermatologist
Dr Patel

Featuring Dr Vishal A. Patel, MD, FAAD, FACMS

Featuring Dr Vishal A. Patel, MD, FAA...
In this interview, Dr Vishal Patel discusses recent advances in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, focusing on gene expression profiling and promising treatment approaches.
In this interview, Dr Vishal Patel discusses recent advances in high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, focusing on gene expression profiling and promising treatment approaches.
In this interview, Dr Vishal...
The Dermatologist
Cover Story

Featuring Joseph F. Merola, MD, MMSc, and Colby Evans, MD

Featuring Joseph F. Merola, MD, MMSc,...
National Psoriasis Foundation Commit to Cure honorees discuss treatment advances, patient advocacy work, and dermatology-rheumatology collaboration.
National Psoriasis Foundation Commit to Cure honorees discuss treatment advances, patient advocacy work, and dermatology-rheumatology collaboration.
National Psoriasis Foundation...
The Dermatologist
Nicholas Golda, MD, FAAD, FACMS

Featuring Nicholas Golda, MD, FAAD, FACMS

Featuring Nicholas Golda, MD, FAAD, F...
In this interview, Dr Nicholas J. Golda shares practical tips and updates on perioperative management in dermatologic surgery, covering recent advancements, common challenges, effective techniques, and emerging trends.
In this interview, Dr Nicholas J. Golda shares practical tips and updates on perioperative management in dermatologic surgery, covering recent advancements, common challenges, effective techniques, and emerging trends.
In this interview, Dr Nicholas...
The Dermatologist


skin of color skin examination
Are patients with skin of color excluded from getting skin cancer?
Are patients with skin of color excluded from getting skin cancer?
Are patients with skin of color...
The Dermatologist
squamous cell carcinoma on head
Which of the following options accurately identifies risk factors associated with anxiety concerning Mohs micrographic surgery?
Which of the following options accurately identifies risk factors associated with anxiety concerning Mohs micrographic surgery?
Which of the following options...
The Dermatologist
Can you identify which option coincides with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines supporting Dr Srivastava’s statement?
Can you identify which option coincides with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines supporting Dr Srivastava’s statement?
Can you identify which option...
The Dermatologist
Which of the following accurately describes the results of a study published in Laryngoscope?
Which of the following accurately describes the results of a study published in Laryngoscope?
Which of the following...
The Dermatologist
Maximizing Photoprotective Behaviors
A recent study found that sunscreen use, long-sleeved shirt use, and shade-seeking behavior are inadequate in which two groups?
A recent study found that sunscreen use, long-sleeved shirt use, and shade-seeking behavior are inadequate in which two groups?
A recent study found that...
The Dermatologist
Which staging system for risk stratification of cutaneous malignancies does your practice use? Let us know in this poll!
Which staging system for risk stratification of cutaneous malignancies does your practice use? Let us know in this poll!
Which staging system for risk...
The Dermatologist
Melanoma has the highest mortality among all subtypes of skin cancer. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to melanoma with this pop quiz!
Melanoma has the highest mortality among all subtypes of skin cancer. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to melanoma with this pop quiz!
Melanoma has the highest...
The Dermatologist
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma have favorable prognoses if treated and managed early. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to BCC with this pop quiz.
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma have favorable prognoses if treated and managed early. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to BCC with this pop quiz.
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as...
The Dermatologist
A 62-year-old White man presented with nail changes on his left third finger. He described an initial thickening and discoloration of his nail of 1 year that progressed more rapidly over the last 12 months to the current presentation. What`s...
A 62-year-old White man presented with nail changes on his left third finger. He described an initial thickening and discoloration of his nail of 1 year that progressed more rapidly over the last 12 months to the current presentation. What`s...
A 62-year-old White man...
The Dermatologist
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) have favorable prognoses if treated and managed early. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to cSCC with this pop...
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) have favorable prognoses if treated and managed early. Test your knowledge of expert-recommended treatment approaches to cSCC with this pop...
Nonmelanoma skin cancers such as...
The Dermatologist
What strategies did Dr Merola emphasize for atopic dermatitis?
What strategies did Dr Merola emphasize for atopic dermatitis?
What strategies did Dr Merola...
The Dermatologist
contact dermtitis + Neck + Eczema + rash
What is a common challenge for patients during the patch testing week?
What is a common challenge for patients during the patch testing week?
What is a common challenge for...
The Dermatologist
gloves hands
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
According to a recent interview with Jessica Johnson, MPH, what is a significant barrier to seeking mental health support among patients with atopic dermatitis?
According to a recent interview with Jessica Johnson, MPH, what is a significant barrier to seeking mental health support among patients with atopic dermatitis?
According to a recent interview...
The Dermatologist
Atopic dermatitis
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
Which class of medications received a "general thumbs up" in the latest guidelines for atopic dermatitis management due to their efficacy and low cancer risk?
Which class of medications received a "general thumbs up" in the latest guidelines for atopic dermatitis management due to their efficacy and low cancer risk?
Which class of medications...
The Dermatologist
basal cell carcinoma
Is basal cell carcinoma on the vermilion lip a distinctly rare phenomenon, sparsely documented in existing literature?
Is basal cell carcinoma on the vermilion lip a distinctly rare phenomenon, sparsely documented in existing literature?
Is basal cell carcinoma on the...
The Dermatologist
Atopic Dermatitis + Eczema + Itch + Rash + Kids + Legs + Elbow + Knee
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
In a recent interview, Dr Jonathan Silverberg, mentioned the importance of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of new therapies. Which aspect did he particularly emphasize as crucial in clinical practice?
In a recent interview, Dr Jonathan Silverberg, mentioned the importance of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of new therapies. Which aspect did he particularly emphasize as crucial in clinical practice?
In a recent interview, Dr...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
The Dermatologist
The Dermatologist
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
When treating mild to moderate and moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, what is the recommended treatment?
When treating mild to moderate and moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, what is the recommended treatment?
When treating mild to moderate...
The Dermatologist
Ilka Arun Netravali, MD, PhD, FAAD
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
According to a recent interview with Dr Ilka Arun Netravali, what is the mechanism of action behind dupilumab that translates to effective suppression of atopic disease?
According to a recent interview with Dr Ilka Arun Netravali, what is the mechanism of action behind dupilumab that translates to effective suppression of atopic disease?
According to a recent interview...
The Dermatologist


skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to develop a 3-dimensional model of neural invasion in squamous cell carcinoma to better understand its underlying biologic mechanisms, which are still poorly understood.
Researchers aimed to develop a 3-dimensional model of neural invasion in squamous cell carcinoma to better understand its underlying biologic mechanisms, which are still poorly understood.
Researchers aimed to develop a...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers for adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with macroscopic stage III melanoma.
Researchers aimed to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers for adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in patients with macroscopic stage III melanoma.
Researchers aimed to identify...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers aimed to investigate the relationship between insulin use, social determinants of health, and non-melanoma skin cancer risk among individuals with diabetes.
Researchers aimed to investigate the relationship between insulin use, social determinants of health, and non-melanoma skin cancer risk among individuals with diabetes.
Researchers aimed to investigate...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data alongside clinical information.
Researchers analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data alongside clinical information.
Researchers analyzed single-cell...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers examined the correlation between cuproptosis-related and Hippo pathway-related genes and melanoma prognosis using public databases and experimental validation.
Researchers examined the correlation between cuproptosis-related and Hippo pathway-related genes and melanoma prognosis using public databases and experimental validation.
Researchers examined the...
The Dermatologist
skin cancer
Jessica Garlewicz, Digital Managing Editor
Researchers introduced a novel approach by combining topological data analysis (TDA) and deep learning (DL) through ensemble learning to develop a hybrid TDA-DL basal cell carcinoma diagnostic model.
Researchers introduced a novel approach by combining topological data analysis (TDA) and deep learning (DL) through ensemble learning to develop a hybrid TDA-DL basal cell carcinoma diagnostic model.
Researchers introduced a novel...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
Photodynamic therapy using topical photosensitizers may offer improved therapeutic outcomes with reduced toxicity for patients with skin conditions such as actinic keratosis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and field...
Photodynamic therapy using topical photosensitizers may offer improved therapeutic outcomes with reduced toxicity for patients with skin conditions such as actinic keratosis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and field...
Photodynamic therapy using...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers have investigated the dermoscopic characteristics of histopathologically aggressive basal cell carcinoma subtypes.
According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, researchers have investigated the dermoscopic characteristics of histopathologically aggressive basal cell carcinoma subtypes.
According to a study published...
The Dermatologist
Riya Gandhi, MA, Associate Editor
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that neoadjuvant therapy with pembrolizumab may improve outcomes for patients with resectable melanoma.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found that neoadjuvant therapy with pembrolizumab may improve outcomes for patients with resectable melanoma.
A study published in the New...
The Dermatologist
Lisa Kuhns, PhD
A model to predict the number of stages needed in Mohs micrographic surgery and the need for a complex closure was developed in a recent study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
A model to predict the number of stages needed in Mohs micrographic surgery and the need for a complex closure was developed in a recent study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
A model to predict the number of...
The Dermatologist
Alopecia Areata, blad head
FDA Alerts
The FDA has approved deuruxolitinib (LEQSELVI) 8 mg tablets for the treatment of adults with severe alopecia areata, a condition affecting approximately 300,000 individuals in the United States.
The FDA has approved deuruxolitinib (LEQSELVI) 8 mg tablets for the treatment of adults with severe alopecia areata, a condition affecting approximately 300,000 individuals in the United States.
The FDA has approved...
The Dermatologist
psoriatic arthritis
Researchers aimed to evaluate the literature on vaccine efficacy and safety, using a modified Delphi process to generate 22 consensus-based recommendations for adults receiving systemic therapies for psoriasis.
Researchers aimed to evaluate the literature on vaccine efficacy and safety, using a modified Delphi process to generate 22 consensus-based recommendations for adults receiving systemic therapies for psoriasis.
Researchers aimed to evaluate...
The Dermatologist
Researchers utilized data from the British Association of Dermatologists Biologics and Immunomodulators Register, focusing on adults treated with biologics for plaque psoriasis.
Researchers utilized data from the British Association of Dermatologists Biologics and Immunomodulators Register, focusing on adults treated with biologics for plaque psoriasis.
Researchers utilized data from...
The Dermatologist
Researchers compared the gene expression profiles of lesional and non-lesional skin biopsy tissues and the proteomic profiles of blood samples.
Researchers compared the gene expression profiles of lesional and non-lesional skin biopsy tissues and the proteomic profiles of blood samples.
Researchers compared the gene...
The Dermatologist
psoriatic arthritis
Researchers conducted a systematic literature review, examining conventional synthetic, biologic, and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.
Researchers conducted a systematic literature review, examining conventional synthetic, biologic, and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.
Researchers conducted a...
The Dermatologist
Atopic dermatitis
FDA Alerts
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved roflumilast cream 0.15% for the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adults and children aged 6 and older.
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved roflumilast cream 0.15% for the treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adults and children aged 6 and older.
The US Food and Drug...
The Dermatologist
A new study highlights the effectiveness of autologous skin cell suspension transplantation in treating stable vitiligo, showing positive patient-reported outcomes and significant repigmentation improvements.
A new study highlights the effectiveness of autologous skin cell suspension transplantation in treating stable vitiligo, showing positive patient-reported outcomes and significant repigmentation improvements.
A new study highlights the...
The Dermatologist
Ritlecitinib, a JAK3/TEC family kinase inhibitor, has shown promising results in the treatment of non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), according to a recent Phase 2b trial.
Ritlecitinib, a JAK3/TEC family kinase inhibitor, has shown promising results in the treatment of non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), according to a recent Phase 2b trial.
Ritlecitinib, a JAK3/TEC family...
The Dermatologist
Researchers aimed to review how timely recognition of clinical signs and symptoms is crucial for initiating appropriate treatment and alleviating the associated disease burden.
Researchers aimed to review how timely recognition of clinical signs and symptoms is crucial for initiating appropriate treatment and alleviating the associated disease burden.
Researchers aimed to review how...
The Dermatologist
psoriatic arthritis
Researchers comprehensively analyzed global epidemiologic data on psoriatic arthritis (PsA) among patients with psoriasis.
Researchers comprehensively analyzed global epidemiologic data on psoriatic arthritis (PsA) among patients with psoriasis.
Researchers comprehensively...
The Dermatologist


