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Laser-Retinoid Combination Therapy Improves Photodamage, Facial Dyspigmentation

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

A single-center study showed that nonablative fractionated laser plus topical retinoid is well-tolerated and efficacious for treating hyperpigmentation and photodamage of the face.

To evaluate treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction, the investigators treated patients with facial dyspigmentation and photodamage with 1927-nm thulium fiber laser alone or laser in combination with 0.05% tretinoin lotion.

After treatment patients in both study arms (laser alone vs combination therapy) demonstrated a significant change in Investigator Assessed Overall Hyperpigmentation and Investigator Assessed Overall Photodamage. Overall, both combination therapy and laser alone were well tolerated.

The only statistically significant difference between the groups was Subject Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale and Subject Satisfaction at 30 days posttreatment. In this evaluation, patients who received combination therapy reported lower levels of perceived improvement and satisfaction.

The authors concluded that combination therapy with 1927-nm thulium fiber laser and 0.05% tretinoin lotion was well-tolerated with successful outcomes. They noted future studies should investigate variations in this combination therapy, including duration of use or retinoid concentration.

Almukhtar R, Carr E, Angra K, Lipp M, Boesn M, Goldman M. Single-center, prospective, double-blind, evaluator-blind, non-randomized, vehicle-controlled trial with a 1927 nm non-ablative fractionated laser and topical 0.05% tretinoin lotion for facial dyspigmentation and photodamage. J Drugs Dermatol. 2021;20(11):1174-1179. doi:10.36849/jdd.6182


