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Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
At the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference in Los Angeles, CA, Lipner et al presented therapeutic recommendations for treating onychomycosis.
At the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference in Los Angeles, CA, Lipner et al presented therapeutic recommendations for treating onychomycosis.
At the Society of Dermatology...
The Dermatologist
Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH
Before his session on, "Medication Stewardship," Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, discussed the impact of medical literature in this recent interview.
Before his session on, "Medication Stewardship," Arash Mostaghimi, MD, MPA, MPH, discussed the impact of medical literature in this recent interview.
Before his session on,...
The Dermatologist
Matthew Zirwas, MD
Conference Coverage
Prior to his sessions at SDPA Fall 2021, Dr Matthew Zirwas shared his insights on urticaria and therapeutic approaches.
Prior to his sessions at SDPA Fall 2021, Dr Matthew Zirwas shared his insights on urticaria and therapeutic approaches.
Prior to his sessions at SDPA...
The Dermatologist
Bethany Grubb, MPH, MPAS, PA-C
Conference Coverage

Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital Editor

Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital ...
At the start of her session, “Motherhood & Medicine: You Can’t Have it All (All the Time)”, Bethany Grubb, MPH, MPAS, PA-C, listed the expectations placed on mothers who are physician assistants.
At the start of her session, “Motherhood & Medicine: You Can’t Have it All (All the Time)”, Bethany Grubb, MPH, MPAS, PA-C, listed the expectations placed on mothers who are physician assistants.
At the start of her session,...
The Dermatologist
John Barbieri, MD, MBA
Conference Coverage

Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital Editor

Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital ...
During the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference, John Barbieri, MD, MBA, shared insights and updates on acne.
During the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference, John Barbieri, MD, MBA, shared insights and updates on acne.
During the Society of...
The Dermatologist
Dr Sherry Yang
Sherry Yang, MD, FAAD
Dr Sherry Yang discusses how individualizing treatment plans for each patient is one of the best approaches to combatting HS symptoms.
Dr Sherry Yang discusses how individualizing treatment plans for each patient is one of the best approaches to combatting HS symptoms.
Dr Sherry Yang discusses how...
The Dermatologist
Dr candrice heath
Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
At SDPA Fall 2021, Dr Candrice Heath discussed hair care practices for children with tightly coiled hair and other diagnoses to watch for in kids with skin of color.
At SDPA Fall 2021, Dr Candrice Heath discussed hair care practices for children with tightly coiled hair and other diagnoses to watch for in kids with skin of color.
At SDPA Fall 2021, Dr Candrice...
The Dermatologist
lice in child
Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
Aileen Chang, MD, FAAD, discussed infestations that can make any dermatologist’s skin crawl at the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference in Los Angeles, CA. Dr Chang is an assistant professor of...
Aileen Chang, MD, FAAD, discussed infestations that can make any dermatologist’s skin crawl at the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants 19th Annual Fall Dermatology Conference in Los Angeles, CA. Dr Chang is an assistant professor of...
Aileen Chang, MD, FAAD,...
The Dermatologist
Dr Ahmad Amin
Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
Ahmad Amin, MD, shared what everyday dermatology providers need to know about the 2021 coding guidelines now that the updates have been out for approximately 1 year.
Ahmad Amin, MD, shared what everyday dermatology providers need to know about the 2021 coding guidelines now that the updates have been out for approximately 1 year.
Ahmad Amin, MD, shared what...
The Dermatologist
Dr Rebecca Vasquez
Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
We’re going to review general cutaneous signs of drug abuse, and then we’re going to go over specific skin signs of drug abuse for particular illicit drugs,” explained Rebecca Vasquez, MD, at the start of her session.
We’re going to review general cutaneous signs of drug abuse, and then we’re going to go over specific skin signs of drug abuse for particular illicit drugs,” explained Rebecca Vasquez, MD, at the start of her session.
We’re going to review general...
The Dermatologist
Dr Misha Rosenbach
Conference Coverage

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor

Lauren Mateja, Managing Editor ...
To start off SDPA Fall 2021, Misha Rosenbach, MD, covered diagnoses that should cause terror when a provider sees them: dermatology emergencies.
To start off SDPA Fall 2021, Misha Rosenbach, MD, covered diagnoses that should cause terror when a provider sees them: dermatology emergencies.
To start off SDPA Fall 2021,...
The Dermatologist


