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Volume 33 - Issue 1 - January, 2021

Logistical, Financial, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cardiac Catheterization Lab Nurses and Technologists: A U.S. National Survey
A national, online survey was conducted for nurses and technologists working in the CCL in the United States. The survey was self administered, anonymous, and included 45 questions assessing baseline demographics, logistical changes to...
A national, online survey was conducted for nurses and technologists working in the CCL in the United States. The survey was self administered, anonymous, and included 45 questions assessing baseline demographics, logistical changes to...
A national, online survey was...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
With shorter length of stay, fewer complications, and less radiation used in radial cases, this study suggests biradial access is an effective and safe alternative in CTO-PCI.
With shorter length of stay, fewer complications, and less radiation used in radial cases, this study suggests biradial access is an effective and safe alternative in CTO-PCI.
With shorter length of stay,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology