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Texas Firefighters Recognized for Swift Water Rescue

Jan. 05--Denison city officials recognized four Denison firefighters on Monday who saved a man's life in late November.

Members of the Denison Fire Department's swift water rescue team were recognized for their role in saving a Fannin County man's life after his vehicle was swept off a road by high waters over the Thanksgiving weekend. Capt. Mile Flippo, Capt. Mark Escamilla, Engineer Paul Graxiola and Firefighter Mike Winnett were all recognize with a proclamation from the city for their efforts.

"It is not often we get to honor some folks who really were put in a position where they were able to save a life," Denison City Manager Jud Rex said, "but tonight we get to do that."

It was shortly after 5 p.m. on Nov. 27 that emergency officials in Fannin County receive a call of a stranded motorist just north of Honey Grove. The driver, a 79-year-old man, had driven past barricades and was soon swept away by rising waters from intense rain.

Multiple fire departments were called into aid the situation, but none of the departments had experience with swift water rescue, Rex said.

"As you all went into your chosen field, you knew one day you'd put your life on the line and this was no exception," Mayor Jared Johnson said. "A life was saved by your efforts and sacrifice."

Interim Fire Chief Bill Ray said the situation put all four firefighters in danger due to the swift current of the waters and nightfall, which obscured view.

"That night they had to overcome the fact that they might not be coming back," he said.

Ray said he is proud of his firefighters who risked their lives for the sake of another. The recognition and the efforts of his men have only confirm the quality of the Denison Fire Department, Ray said.

"This doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know," Ray said. "We have a great fire department, and I'd put them against any other department in the country."

Copyright 2016 - Herald Democrat, Sherman, Texas


