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9-1-1 Records: Cell Phone Saved Ill. Man Trapped in Sewer

ORLAND PARK, Ill. (AP) — A man who fell 20 feet into an open suburban Chicago storm sewer was able to call for help on his cell phone and direct rescuers to the hole.

Recordings of the man's 911 calls released on Tuesday show he remained calm even though he was trapped underground for almost two hours and broke his leg in Saturday's fall in Orland Park.

The man says he was walking on a grassy strip along the shoulder of a road when he fell into the uncovered sewer.

The dispatcher asks him to tell her when he hears the siren on a squad car. It took rescuers about 70 minutes to extract the man once they found the hole.

Authorities say he might not have been rescued if not for the phone call.

Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. 

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