May is National Stroke Awareness Month
In 1987, National Stroke Association initiated and received a presidential proclamation to annually celebrate National Stroke Awareness Month in May. The goal of the annual campaign is to raise public awareness about the full continuum of stroke by managing stroke risk factors, better understanding of stroke symptom recognition and response and improving the quality of life during stroke recovery for millions of stroke survivors in the United States.
This year, National Stroke Association will focus its efforts on educating the public, stroke survivors and healthcare professionals to:
- STOP primary and secondary stroke through risk factor management.
- Act F.A.S.T. to increase recognition of and response to stroke symptoms.
- Spread HOPE about recovery from stroke.
Are You Ready to Get Involved?
National Stroke Awareness Month is a great opportunity to educate your employees, friends, family and community about stroke. But it does require some planning ahead. Here are some questions to think about:
What can I do to raise stroke awareness during May?
How can I hold an online fundraiser during May?
What can I do in my workplace?
What can I do in my community?
What can I do for my hospital's stroke team?
What can I do to educate my fellow rehabilitation colleagues?
What can I do for my stroke support group?
For ideas, visit the National Stroke Awareness Month 2009 Participation Ideas page.
Download Stroke Awareness Month Materials