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JCP Editors

Research in Review
JCP Editors
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(5):12. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors May Have Been Used Inappropriately in Half of Study Patients With Advanced Cancer Who Were Near the End of Life Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized the...
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(5):12. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors May Have Been Used Inappropriately in Half of Study Patients With Advanced Cancer Who Were Near the End of Life Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized the...
J Clin Pathways....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(4):8-11. Progression-Free Survival Associated With Olaparib With or Without Cediranibvs Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Women With High-Grade Ovarian Cancer Study findings suggest that neither olaparib monotherapy...
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(4):8-11. Progression-Free Survival Associated With Olaparib With or Without Cediranibvs Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Women With High-Grade Ovarian Cancer Study findings suggest that neither olaparib monotherapy...
J Clin Pathways....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(3):30-32. Addressing Disparities in Cancer Health, Equity, and Outcomes A panel at the 2022 Community Oncology Conference discussed how their programs address disparities in cancer care and access to cancer...
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(3):30-32. Addressing Disparities in Cancer Health, Equity, and Outcomes A panel at the 2022 Community Oncology Conference discussed how their programs address disparities in cancer care and access to cancer...
J Clin Pathways....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(3):21-23. Therapeutic Targeting of BAP1/ASXL3 Sub-Complex in SCLC Investigators sought to discover the function of the oncogenic BAP1/ASXL3/BRD4 epigenetic axis in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) by developing a...
J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(3):21-23. Therapeutic Targeting of BAP1/ASXL3 Sub-Complex in SCLC Investigators sought to discover the function of the oncogenic BAP1/ASXL3/BRD4 epigenetic axis in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) by developing a...
J Clin Pathways....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
J Clin Pathways. 2021;7(5):16-17. Real-World Health Care Utilization and Costs in the Huntsman at Home Program A recent study found that an oncology hospital at home program model may lower unplanned health care utilization and health...
J Clin Pathways. 2021;7(5):16-17. Real-World Health Care Utilization and Costs in the Huntsman at Home Program A recent study found that an oncology hospital at home program model may lower unplanned health care utilization and health...
J Clin Pathways....
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Research in Review
JCP Editors
Treatment Patterns After EGFR-TKI and Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Discontinuation in Metastatic NSCLC Study results show that immunotherapy is the most common next line of therapy after discontinuation of an...
Treatment Patterns After EGFR-TKI and Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Discontinuation in Metastatic NSCLC Study results show that immunotherapy is the most common next line of therapy after discontinuation of an...
Journal of Clinical Pathways
JCP Editors
Integrating Palliative Care Into Community Oncology Practice At the virtual 2021 COA Annual Conference, Morvarid Rezaie, DO, HMDC, FACOI, discussed the integration of palliative care into community oncology...
Integrating Palliative Care Into Community Oncology Practice At the virtual 2021 COA Annual Conference, Morvarid Rezaie, DO, HMDC, FACOI, discussed the integration of palliative care into community oncology...
Journal of Clinical Pathways