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Research in Review

Reviewing the Latest Research on Value-Based Care, Clinical Pathways, and Precision Medicine

March 2022

J Clin Pathways. 2022;8;(2):8-11.

Cost-Effectiveness of Opportunistic Salpingectomy at the Time of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention

Opportunistic salpingectomy at the time of elective cholecystectomy may be a cost-effective strategy to prevent ovarian cancer among average risk women.

Long-term Survival After Autologous Transplantation Among Patients With MCL

Study findings confirm the long-term efficacy of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treating MCL.

Systematic Review Highlights Complexity of Cost-Effectiveness Models in Prostate Cancer

This systematic review of cost-effectiveness literature for novel diagnostic methods in prostate cancer shows that most studies have found novel methods to be more cost-effective than standard of care.

Impact of Updated USPSTF Prostate Cancer Screening Recommendation on Rates of PSA Testing

Rates of PSA screening increased significantly following a revision to the USPSTF guideline on prostate cancer screening, according to a study published in JAMA Oncology.

Existing Value Assessment Frameworks Vary in Defining and Measuring Value in Health Care

Study findings show substantial variation in defining and measuring value among existing value assessment frameworks in health care.

Interventions Improve Symptom Controllability Among Patients With Recurrent Ovarian Cancers

Study findings revealed the web-based WRITE Symptoms interventions significantly improved symptom controllability for patients with ovarian cancer, regardless of delivery method.

Cost Analysis of Intravenous vs Subcutaneous Rituximab for Patients With NHL

Study findings suggest a 20% transition from intravenous to subcutaneous rituximab for patients with NHL has the potential to generate significant US health system value in the form of payer savings, increased practice capacity, and patient time.

Biosimilars Provide Lower-Cost Alternatives to Biologics Used in Cancer Care

Findings from a recent update on currently approved oncology biosimilars suggests that the use of biosimilars might provide competitive, lower-cost alternatives to biologics used in oncology.

Health Care Costs and Utilization Associated With Open vs Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy

Study findings suggest that lower postdischarge health care utilization after robotic-assisted prostatectomy may offset the higher costs during the index hospitalization.

Cost-Effectiveness of Primary Prophylaxis With Biosimilar Filgrastim for Patients at Risk for Febrile Neutropenia

Study findings reveal primary prophylaxis with biosimilar filgrastim-sndz is cost-effective in patients with cancer at intermediate risk for febrile neutropenia.

Biosimilar Trastuzumab is Cost-Efficient Over Reference Trastuzumab for Metastatic Breast Cancer

Study findings suggest biosimilar intravenous trastuzumab-dkst is cost-efficient over reference intravenous and subcutaneous trastuzumab in metastatic breast cancer.


