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Research in Review

Research in Review Focus on Lung Cancer

April 2022

J Clin Pathways. 2022;8(3):21-23.

Therapeutic Targeting of BAP1/ASXL3 Sub-Complex in SCLC

Investigators sought to discover the function of the oncogenic BAP1/ASXL3/BRD4 epigenetic axis in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) by developing a next-generation BAP1 inhibitor, iBAP-II. 

Afatinib Improves Survival in Patients with Advanced Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma

When compared to chemotherapy, afatinib demonstrated superior PFS and comparable OS in immunotherapy-naive patients with advanced lung squamous cell carcinoma.

FDA Grants Fast Track Designation to Bemcentinib Combo in Advanced NSCLC

The FDA has granted Fast Track designation for a bemcentinib combo in patients with advanced NSCLC without actionable mutations. 

Ensartinib vs Crizotinib for ALK-Positive NSCLC

Ensartinib demonstrated superior efficacy to crizotinib for patients with advanced ALK-positive NSCLC in a study published in JAMA Oncology.

Combining Chemo With Immunotherapy Does Not Improve OS in Patients with NSCLC

Adding chemotherapy to first-line durvalumab plus tremelimumab improved PFS, but not OS, compared to durvalumab plus tremelimumab alone in patients with NSCLC.

Dynamic Monitoring of CTCs Could Predict Prognosis in SCLC Patients

Dynamic monitoring of CTCs level may be an effective, non-invasive way to predict disease progression and prognosis in patients with SCLC.

Nivolumab Shows Potential Benefit for Patients with Malignant Mesothelioma

Nivolumab shows potential benefit for patients with relapsed malignant mesothelioma who progressed following platinum-based chemotherapy.


