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New techniques

Are You Sure You Can’t Do It?
Editorial Message
Many times, we face situations that are new to us. In wound care, it may be new treatments or new procedures that seem reasonable, but if a clinician has not used or employed these new options, they may feel that these would only be for wound...
Many times, we face situations that are new to us. In wound care, it may be new treatments or new procedures that seem reasonable, but if a clinician has not used or employed these new options, they may feel that these would only be for wound...
Many times, we face situations...
Case Report
We present a case of acute inferior wall myocardial infarction with complicating right coronary artery dissection, leading to complete vessel occlusion.
We present a case of acute inferior wall myocardial infarction with complicating right coronary artery dissection, leading to complete vessel occlusion.
We present a case of acute...
Cath Lab Digest
Case & Technique
Usually the Impella arterial access site (14 French) is preclosed with a Perclose ProGlide vascular closure device (Abbott Vascular). The problem lies in cases of emergency, if the access site is not preclosed, and/or if there is a failure of...
Usually the Impella arterial access site (14 French) is preclosed with a Perclose ProGlide vascular closure device (Abbott Vascular). The problem lies in cases of emergency, if the access site is not preclosed, and/or if there is a failure of...
Usually the Impella arterial...
Cath Lab Digest
Case & Technique
Utilizing a stiffer, more directional catheter allows for controlled engagement of the left main in patients with difficult anatomy, especially dilated ascending aortas.
Utilizing a stiffer, more directional catheter allows for controlled engagement of the left main in patients with difficult anatomy, especially dilated ascending aortas.
Utilizing a stiffer, more...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
We present a novel technique of extreme PCI support, as depicted in our case series, which allowed completion of PCI otherwise not possible by using conventional means. We describe a triple telescopic system, involving a smaller in a larger...
We present a novel technique of extreme PCI support, as depicted in our case series, which allowed completion of PCI otherwise not possible by using conventional means. We describe a triple telescopic system, involving a smaller in a larger...
We present a novel technique of...
Cath Lab Digest
Single-Center Experience
We present a case series of the use of the 21-gauge micropuncture needle in successful pericardiocentesis.
We present a case series of the use of the 21-gauge micropuncture needle in successful pericardiocentesis.
We present a case series of the...
Cath Lab Digest
Suggested Technique
Percutaneous coronary intervention of aorto-ostial lesions presents a unique problem — to precisely locate the ostium of a vessel using 2-dimensional fluoroscopy.(1) We present a case demonstrating a “keep-out wire” technique to assist with...
Percutaneous coronary intervention of aorto-ostial lesions presents a unique problem — to precisely locate the ostium of a vessel using 2-dimensional fluoroscopy.(1) We present a case demonstrating a “keep-out wire” technique to assist with...
Percutaneous coronary...
Cath Lab Digest
Tips and Techniques
The “power glide” technique uses the same principle as the initial “hydroglide” technique, but the indeflator is used to generate a high and controlled pressure that is not possible to generate manually with the 5 cc syringe.
The “power glide” technique uses the same principle as the initial “hydroglide” technique, but the indeflator is used to generate a high and controlled pressure that is not possible to generate manually with the 5 cc syringe.
The “power glide” technique uses...
Cath Lab Digest
Dr. Andrew Michaels asks whether his practice of moving to micropuncture needle technique for pericardiocentesis is also being employed across the nation.   
Dr. Andrew Michaels asks whether his practice of moving to micropuncture needle technique for pericardiocentesis is also being employed across the nation.   
Dr. Andrew Michaels asks whether...
Cath Lab Digest