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Christopher Lichtenwalter, MD

Original Contribution
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Abstract: Background. The relationship of peripheral arterial mean translesional pressure gradient (TLG) to presenting symptom, functional impairment, and initial noninvasive ABI assessments has never been established. Objectives. To evaluate...
Abstract: Background. The relationship of peripheral arterial mean translesional pressure gradient (TLG) to presenting symptom, functional impairment, and initial noninvasive ABI assessments has never been established. Objectives. To evaluate...
Abstract: Background. The...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
Dual Guide Catheter Technique for Treating Native Coronary Artery Lesions Through Tortuous Internal Mammary Grafts: Separating Equipment Delivery from Target Lesion Visualization ABSTRACT:Attempts to wire and stent a native coronary artery...
Dual Guide Catheter Technique for Treating Native Coronary Artery Lesions Through Tortuous Internal Mammary Grafts: Separating Equipment Delivery from Target Lesion Visualization ABSTRACT:Attempts to wire and stent a native coronary artery...
Dual Guide Catheter Technique...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology