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Tomomi Suzuki, MD, PhD

Tanabe CI
The current guidelines recommend at least 6-month antithrombotic and antibiotic prophylaxis following atrial septal occluding device placement using the phrase “until endothelialization.” This is the first evaluation of PFO occluder device...
The current guidelines recommend at least 6-month antithrombotic and antibiotic prophylaxis following atrial septal occluding device placement using the phrase “until endothelialization.” This is the first evaluation of PFO occluder device...
The current guidelines recommend...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
The current guidelines recommend at least 6 months of antithrombotic and antibiotic prophylaxis following atrial septal occluding device placement using the phrase “until endothelialization.”
The current guidelines recommend at least 6 months of antithrombotic and antibiotic prophylaxis following atrial septal occluding device placement using the phrase “until endothelialization.”
The current guidelines recommend...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology