Endothelialization of Amplatzer PFO Occluder Device 12 Months Post Implantation
Yasuhiro Tanabe, MD, PhD; Tomomi Suzuki, MD, PhD; Shingo Kuwata, MD, PhD; Yoshihiro J. Akashi, MD, PhD
Video supplement to “Endothelialization of Amplatzer PFO Occluder Device 12 Months After Implantation: First-in-Human Angioscopic Assessment,” by Tanabe, et al. (February 2022 Clinical Images).
The current guidelines recommend at least 6-month antithrombotic and antibiotic prophylaxis following atrial septal occluding device placement using the phrase “until endothelialization.” However, neo-endothelialization has not been assessed in vivo in humans. The following angioscope series demonstrates the first evaluation of PFO occluder device neo-endothelialization in vivo.