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Richard Simman, MD, FACS, FACCWS

Today’s Wound Clinic recently asked key opinion leaders to comment on the potential of wound care to become a recognized medical specialty. This article is authored by officials with the American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery.   
Today’s Wound Clinic recently asked key opinion leaders to comment on the potential of wound care to become a recognized medical specialty. This article is authored by officials with the American Board of Wound Medicine and Surgery.   
Today’s Wound Clinic recently...
Today's Wound Clinic
The authors conducted a systematic review to assess current American Joint Committee on Cancer guidelines on when a sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma is indicated.
The authors conducted a systematic review to assess current American Joint Committee on Cancer guidelines on when a sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma is indicated.
The authors conducted a...
Use of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Biological Bilaminar Matrix in Wound Bed Preparation: A Case Series
Original Research
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with...
Case Series
This report examines wound types and locations for which consultation with a plastic surgeon should be considered for aesthetic or functional wound healing goals.
This report examines wound types and locations for which consultation with a plastic surgeon should be considered for aesthetic or functional wound healing goals.
This report examines wound types...
Unusual Wounds
A 74-year-old female presented to the clinic with a presumed diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma on biopsy but with an abnormal presentation mimicking a blastomycosis lesion. After surgical excision of the lesion in the operating room, the...
A 74-year-old female presented to the clinic with a presumed diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma on biopsy but with an abnormal presentation mimicking a blastomycosis lesion. After surgical excision of the lesion in the operating room, the...
A 74-year-old female presented...
Case Report
A 62-year-old male with a pressure injury infected with Actinomyces saw full healing after 2 months following a treatment regimen consisting of debridement, antibiotics, and wound care.
A 62-year-old male with a pressure injury infected with Actinomyces saw full healing after 2 months following a treatment regimen consisting of debridement, antibiotics, and wound care.
A 62-year-old male with a...
Case Report
This article presents a case of MU that arose in a chronic sacral pressure ulcer. This was a rare, multifactorial case; the patient’s many comorbidities required coordinated efforts by wound care, oncology, and infectious disease specialists.
This article presents a case of MU that arose in a chronic sacral pressure ulcer. This was a rare, multifactorial case; the patient’s many comorbidities required coordinated efforts by wound care, oncology, and infectious disease specialists.
This article presents a case of...
Case Report
The authors detail the cases of a 68-year-old male with pancreatic panniculitis characterized by erythematous wounds of the lower extremities and histology that included "ghost cells."
The authors detail the cases of a 68-year-old male with pancreatic panniculitis characterized by erythematous wounds of the lower extremities and histology that included "ghost cells."
The authors detail the cases of...
Case Report
This work is a retrospective case series assessing wounds using long-wave infrared thermography.
This work is a retrospective case series assessing wounds using long-wave infrared thermography.
This work is a retrospective...