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Fuad-Tahsin Abbas

Case Report
This case series presents 4 patients who underwent hip disarticulation. The procedure was performed due to various indications including necrotizing fasciitis, gangrene, stump necrosis from previous above-the-knee amputation, and septic joint...
This case series presents 4 patients who underwent hip disarticulation. The procedure was performed due to various indications including necrotizing fasciitis, gangrene, stump necrosis from previous above-the-knee amputation, and septic joint...
This case series presents 4...
Case Series
This report examines wound types and locations for which consultation with a plastic surgeon should be considered for aesthetic or functional wound healing goals.
This report examines wound types and locations for which consultation with a plastic surgeon should be considered for aesthetic or functional wound healing goals.
This report examines wound types...
Case Report
This article presents a case of MU that arose in a chronic sacral pressure ulcer. This was a rare, multifactorial case; the patient’s many comorbidities required coordinated efforts by wound care, oncology, and infectious disease specialists.
This article presents a case of MU that arose in a chronic sacral pressure ulcer. This was a rare, multifactorial case; the patient’s many comorbidities required coordinated efforts by wound care, oncology, and infectious disease specialists.
This article presents a case of...