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James B. McGuire, DPM, PT, cPed, CWS, FAPWCA, FAPWHc

Wound Care Q&A
Where can biomechanics have the most impact in wound healing?
Where can biomechanics have the most impact in wound healing?
Where can biomechanics have the...
Podiatry Today
Given the potential recurrence and complications with diabetic wounds, this author emphasizes the importance of adapting one’s offloading strategy as the wound progresses to healing. Accordingly, he discusses keys to assessing the...
Given the potential recurrence and complications with diabetic wounds, this author emphasizes the importance of adapting one’s offloading strategy as the wound progresses to healing. Accordingly, he discusses keys to assessing the...
Given the potential recurrence...
Podiatry Today
Given the complexity of biofilm in lower extremity wounds, these authors offer a closer look on how biofilm develops, keys to eradicating biofilm and emerging modalities that may have an impact in the future.
Given the complexity of biofilm in lower extremity wounds, these authors offer a closer look on how biofilm develops, keys to eradicating biofilm and emerging modalities that may have an impact in the future.
Given the complexity of biofilm...
Podiatry Today
Although the total contact cast can be effective for offloading diabetic foot ulcers, it is not in wide usage. These authors assert the gold standard for offloading lies in the non-removability of the device and offer a closer look at the...
Although the total contact cast can be effective for offloading diabetic foot ulcers, it is not in wide usage. These authors assert the gold standard for offloading lies in the non-removability of the device and offer a closer look at the...
Although the total contact cast...
Podiatry Today
Classification systems can be invaluable for directing treatment for hallux limitus/rigidus. Accordingly, these authors recommend a modified classification system that integrates treatment methods and goals with an emphasis on conservative...
Classification systems can be invaluable for directing treatment for hallux limitus/rigidus. Accordingly, these authors recommend a modified classification system that integrates treatment methods and goals with an emphasis on conservative...
Classification systems can be...
Podiatry Today
How is three-dimensional printing changing orthotic dispensing? Is 3D scanning as accurate as plaster casting? Are commercial orthotic labs becoming obsolete? These expert panelists discuss the realities and potential of 3D-printed orthoses....
How is three-dimensional printing changing orthotic dispensing? Is 3D scanning as accurate as plaster casting? Are commercial orthotic labs becoming obsolete? These expert panelists discuss the realities and potential of 3D-printed orthoses....
How is three-dimensional...
Podiatry Today
Pearls for Best Practice in Treating DFUs
Conference Insights
In one day in the United States, there are approximately 5,000 new diagnoses of diabetes, $670 million spent on diabetes, 200 limbs amputated due to diabetes, and 200 lives lost due to diabetes.1 Amputation is 15 times more likely in people...
In one day in the United States, there are approximately 5,000 new diagnoses of diabetes, $670 million spent on diabetes, 200 limbs amputated due to diabetes, and 200 lives lost due to diabetes.1 Amputation is 15 times more likely in people...
In one day in the United States,...
Wound Care
  The specialty of wound care is currently facing the hurdle of properly marketing itself to attract new medical professionals. In order to collectively do so, the community must first take an in-depth look in the mirror to identify some...
  The specialty of wound care is currently facing the hurdle of properly marketing itself to attract new medical professionals. In order to collectively do so, the community must first take an in-depth look in the mirror to identify some...
  The specialty of wound care is...
Today's Wound Clinic
Suzuki McGuire
How are these thought leaders incorporating biomechanics into their wound healing pathways?
How are these thought leaders incorporating biomechanics into their wound healing pathways?
How are these thought leaders...
Podiatry Today