Given the increased number of audits of those frequently using CTPs, and the recent release of proposed LCDs and LCAs on using CTPs for DFUs and VLUs, this SAWC Spring speaker discusses 10 major facts about CTP reimbursement.
Given the increased number of audits of those frequently using CTPs, and the recent release of proposed LCDs and LCAs on using CTPs for DFUs and VLUs, this SAWC Spring speaker discusses 10 major facts about CTP reimbursement.
This SAWC Fall speaker discusses challenges faced by community-based healthcare providers with hard-to-heal wounds, recommendations for treatment, and practical adjustments.
This SAWC Fall speaker discusses challenges faced by community-based healthcare providers with hard-to-heal wounds, recommendations for treatment, and practical adjustments.
Following her SAWC Fall session, this speaker discusses how to overcome challenges in reimbursement for lymphedema, and what the Lymphedema Treatment Act will bring in 2024.
Following her SAWC Fall session, this speaker discusses how to overcome challenges in reimbursement for lymphedema, and what the Lymphedema Treatment Act will bring in 2024.
Following the proposed—and later withdrawn—CMS guidance on CTPs, the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders discusses potential future developments in this space.
Following the proposed—and later withdrawn—CMS guidance on CTPs, the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders discusses potential future developments in this space.
The MACs recently released proposed coverage policy updates for applying CTPs for DFUs and VLUs. This is your opportunity to effect change by submitting comments to the MACs before the policy becomes final. You have a responsibility to know...
The MACs recently released proposed coverage policy updates for applying CTPs for DFUs and VLUs. This is your opportunity to effect change by submitting comments to the MACs before the policy becomes final. You have a responsibility to know...
Whether we will be able to survive as wound care practitioners will, at least in part, depend on having quality measures that are relevant to what we actually do.
Whether we will be able to survive as wound care practitioners will, at least in part, depend on having quality measures that are relevant to what we actually do.
For years I have been explaining how the QPP could be the end of wound care practitioners. The entire QPP is designed around recognized medical specialties and since there is no recognized specialty for wound care, we are all in trouble.
For years I have been explaining how the QPP could be the end of wound care practitioners. The entire QPP is designed around recognized medical specialties and since there is no recognized specialty for wound care, we are all in trouble.
I am calling on CMS to adopt new G codes to replace Q code reimbursement and CPT 15000 codes for skin substitute application procedures and to establish skin substitute product code classes.
I am calling on CMS to adopt new G codes to replace Q code reimbursement and CPT 15000 codes for skin substitute application procedures and to establish skin substitute product code classes.
With so much ambiguity remaining, an immediate compromise on the number of applications to allow 7 is warranted both from an ethical and medical perspective. The current restriction of 4 applications is clearly not based on an accurate...
With so much ambiguity remaining, an immediate compromise on the number of applications to allow 7 is warranted both from an ethical and medical perspective. The current restriction of 4 applications is clearly not based on an accurate...
For some, bias remains a sensitive issue, and some people are reluctant to admit to the need for introspection. However, to mitigate the ill effects of bias, everyone must first acknowledge that it exists.
For some, bias remains a sensitive issue, and some people are reluctant to admit to the need for introspection. However, to mitigate the ill effects of bias, everyone must first acknowledge that it exists.
Finding a skilled wound care professional comes down finding someone who is confident in their skill/craft—someone who treats the whole patient, not just the wound. Finding someone who would see me as a person and a whole being rather than...
Finding a skilled wound care professional comes down finding someone who is confident in their skill/craft—someone who treats the whole patient, not just the wound. Finding someone who would see me as a person and a whole being rather than...
Are providers missing the diagnosis of PG because they are anchoring on “positive” biopsy findings? Could we be missing cases in which PG patients underwent amputation, didn’t have a recurrence, and were never diagnosed? Or are we just not...
Are providers missing the diagnosis of PG because they are anchoring on “positive” biopsy findings? Could we be missing cases in which PG patients underwent amputation, didn’t have a recurrence, and were never diagnosed? Or are we just not...
The COVID-19 PHE has been extended for 90 more days. This author reviews the Medicare telehealth flexibility extensions that may be important to wound/ulcer management professionals.
The COVID-19 PHE has been extended for 90 more days. This author reviews the Medicare telehealth flexibility extensions that may be important to wound/ulcer management professionals.
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) is extended through October 13, 2022. Many wound/ulcer management professionals have been using telehealth and should be happy to know that the Medicare waivers pertaining to telehealth have also...
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) is extended through October 13, 2022. Many wound/ulcer management professionals have been using telehealth and should be happy to know that the Medicare waivers pertaining to telehealth have also...
For this month, let us review the continuation of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), and the continuation of the ever-changing codes and coverage.
For this month, let us review the continuation of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), and the continuation of the ever-changing codes and coverage.