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Author Instructions

Information for Authors: Online Content Submissions

Text content, videos, and podcasts from knowledgeable, experienced practitioners are invited and will be subject to Editorial Board review as well as review by the publishers and in-house editorial staff. If content is accepted for publication, the corresponding author(s) will be notified by e-mail of a tentative publication date and supplied with the Editorial Board’s revision requirements. Editorial revisions may be made to articles accepted for publication as an aid to clarity. If an article is not accepted, the corresponding author(s) will be notified by email.

Authors are encouraged to submit a brief abstract summarizing the article and its main talking points in addition to the full article for purposes of previews of to-be-published articles being included within correspondence sent to readers/industry.

Manuscripts should be completed in Microsoft Word, be single-spaced, and can include quotations, footnotes, references, legends, tables, and citations as deemed appropriate by the author. If utilized, references should be listed at the end of the manuscript with the full citation information per AMA style. Numbered references must be cited in the same order as found in the text. A complete periodical reference includes: 1) author(s) names (list all authors up to six; for seven or more authors, list first three followed by “et al”); 2) title of article; 3) abbreviated journal name (per AMA style); 4) year of publication; 5) volume number of publication; 6) specific page numbers of citation referenced. For books, also include: 7) name of editor(s), if any; 8) name of publisher; and 9) place (city, state) of publication.

Introduction and/or Conclusion paragraphs can be submitted as part of an article submission, but are not mandatory and are up to the author(s)’ discretion.

For each submitted article, a suggested headline and sub-headline (ie, summary) by the author are encouraged and subject to review/modification.

Digital images and photos should be a minimum of 300 dpi in jpeg or tiff files and provided at the time of the manuscript draft submission as email attachments (PDF and Power Point files are not preferred). The author may also leave notes in the article draft related to accompanying images to demonstrate desired placement of images, tables, charts, graphs, etc. Additional guidelines for images/photos include:

  • A descriptive legend/caption must accompany each figure or illustration and cite the full names, titles, and credentials of people appearing in an image or who provided the information for a table, chart, graph, etc.
  • All abbreviations used must be identified at the end of the figure legend.
  • If the figure, table, chart, graph etc. has been published previously, permission to reprint the content must be obtained in writing from the copyright owner by the submitting author(s) and submitted with the manuscript.
  • Most images will be reduced to conform to single-column-size format. All symbols, letters, arrows, etc. must be large enough to permit identification at reduced size.

Opinions expressed by published authors are their own and not necessarily those of HMP Global, the publishers, the editorial staff, or any member of the Editorial Board. The publishers accept no responsibility for statements made by contributors or claims made by advertisers, nor does the publication of advertisements constitute or imply endorsement.

Have An Article Suggestion?
If you have an idea for an article and are interested in writing, we strongly encourage you to email us to explore the opportunity of being published in Today’s Wound Clinic.

Reasons To Be Published In TWC:

  • We provide a quicker turnaround for being published than peer-reviewed journals.
  • When you write for Today’s Wound Clinic, your article will reach our audience in digital edition format.

Please contact managing editor Brian McCurdy at
Use the subject line: Article Idea for TWC

Information for Authors: Video Content

NOTE: You can use a smartphone, laptop camera, or digital equipment to capture a video.

  1. Pick a well-lit, quiet area to capture your video.
  2. Present the content clearly and concisely.
  3. Submit any reference materials needed in a Word document.
  4. Email the video and a legend (if needed) to Brian McCurdy at Please contact him if you have any questions when preparing your presentation. 

Thank you for your consideration.


