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Supporting Providers in Treating Lipedema

March 2023

LTNLipedema is often misdiagnosed as obesity and standard weight loss methods like dieting and exercise do not effectively treat it. The lack of specialized treatment options for lipedema often results in a significant impact on the daily lives of affected individuals. The Lipedema Treatment Network (LTN) was founded by Nadiv Shapira, MD, and Larry Wagner, to address this unmet need for quality care for lipedema patients in the United States.
Despite affecting a significant portion of women worldwide (11%), lipedema remains largely unknown to the general population and is poorly understood by many health care providers. There is a lack of specialists who are trained to treat it.

Conservative measures, such as lymphatic drainage massage and compression garments, can help to alleviate symptoms, but the only effective treatment for reducing the buildup of fat is a specialized type of liposuction known as water-jet assisted lipedema debulking surgery (WALDS). LTN's goal is to connect patients with experienced and qualified providers and help with insurance coverage for WALDS.
LTN also provides educational resources for patients, providers, and insurance carriers to help increase awareness and understanding of lipedema. The organization works to advocate for increased insurance coverage for WALDS and other lipedema treatments and to support ongoing research and development of new treatments. The LTN team strives to create a supportive and informative community for those affected by lipedema and to help them access the best possible care.
LTN also helps to provide information and education about lipedema and its treatment options to patients and healthcare providers. By doing so, LTN aims to raise awareness about this disease and improve its diagnosis and treatment, ultimately improving the quality of life for those affected by lipedema. The network provides support, resources, and advocacy for lipedema patients, and our goal is to make lipedema treatment accessible, affordable and effective for all patients.

How Does the LTN Work for Patients and Providers?

When patients contact LTN:

  • The LTN team consists of a lipedema clinical coordinator, administrative director, insurance liaison, billing specialist, and logistics coordinator. Patients can contact LTN via our online form, and LTN will respond within 24 hours to answer questions and provide guidance. Our trained, compassionate lipedema coordinator will respond to answer questions, and assess the patient’s situation and well-being.
  • The patient will be referred to the nearest LTN board-certified specialist near patient’s area for a private consultation and comprehensive evaluation.
  • A therapy plan will be worked out when lipedema is being diagnosed. Therapy plans can be a combination of conservative treatment (massage, drainage, etc.) up to liposuction and after surgery treatments.
  • The experienced LTN team can help to apply for a reimbursement of the procedure. Insurance coverage for lipedema treatment is a major challenge for patients. Insurance companies often classify liposuction for lipedema as a cosmetic procedure, leading to denial of coverage for treatments like manual lymphatic drainage, compression garments, and liposuction. The Lipedema Treatment Network is working to address this issue by creating a network of qualified providers, which can help improve access to proper diagnosis and treatment for patients with lipedema.

When a provider contacts LTN:

  • Dr. Shapira and his team will respond and explain the process. LTN is always interested in members who have a strong interest in lipedema and lymphedema.
  • The LTN team will help with advice how to equip the practice for lipedema treatments and liposuction.
  • Compassionate and carrying physicians ideally are certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine (or are working towards certification) and/or practice phlebology, reconstructive surgery, or general surgery, and possess board certification.
  • LTN will provide training for conservative treatment and liposuction. The training plan depends on the level of knowledge that new members have:

         * Physicians who have a need on basic knowledge about lipedema and liposuction
         * Physicians who know how to do liposuction but having no experiences with treating lipedema patients.
         * Physicians who know lipedema and the related treatment with liposuction

In Summary

The Lipedema Treatment Network provides training and support for physicians who want to provide treatment for lipedema patients. The training is available for physicians who are already familiar with lipedema and its related treatments, those who are familiar with liposuction but not on lipedema patients, and those who have no prior knowledge of lipedema and liposuction. To join the LTN network, physicians must be in-network providers and sign a Lipedema Master Agreement. LTN can also assist with credentialing and provide support to equip the practice to be ready to treat lipedema patients.
For more information contact us here.
Nadiv Shapira, MD, is the Chief Medical Officer of the Lipedema Treatment Network. He is a Fellow of the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine. Contact Dr. Shapira at or 302-294-0700.  

Larry Wagner is the Chief Operating Officer of the Lipedema Treatment Network. Contact him at or 321-316-1787.

