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Volume 7 Issue 5 - June/July 2013


Ask the Board
In this exclusive column, TWC offers readers the chance to ask industry-related questions to our expert editorial board members. This month, we received several questions pertaining to the appropriate selection of revenue code(s) for use in...
In this exclusive column, TWC offers readers the chance to ask industry-related questions to our expert editorial board members. This month, we received several questions pertaining to the appropriate selection of revenue code(s) for use in...
In this exclusive column, TWC...
Today's Wound Clinic
Information for this feature was provided by Brian D. Lepow, DPM, AACFAS, associate at Lepow Foot and Ankle Specialists, Houston, TX. Featured product: LUNA Fluorescence Angiography System. Date of product launch/release: Pre-launch...
Information for this feature was provided by Brian D. Lepow, DPM, AACFAS, associate at Lepow Foot and Ankle Specialists, Houston, TX. Featured product: LUNA Fluorescence Angiography System. Date of product launch/release: Pre-launch...
Information for this feature was...
Today's Wound Clinic
Business Briefs
Kathleen D. Schaum, MS
Kathleen D. Schaum, MS
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or...
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, HMP Communications and the authors do not represent, guarantee, or...
Information regarding coding,...
Today's Wound Clinic
Letter from the Editor
Dot Weir, RN, CWON, CWS
Dot Weir, RN, CWON, CWS
  We’re approaching the first official day of summer, but I still haven’t totally distanced myself from the chill of snowy Denver, where many of us recently participated in another magnificent meeting of the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care...
  We’re approaching the first official day of summer, but I still haven’t totally distanced myself from the chill of snowy Denver, where many of us recently participated in another magnificent meeting of the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care...
  We’re approaching the first...
Today's Wound Clinic
SAWC Honors 2013 Scholarship Recipients   Another six healthcare providers were awarded through the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) scholarship program during the 2013 SAWC Spring/Wound Healing Society (WHS) conference held May 1-5 at...
SAWC Honors 2013 Scholarship Recipients   Another six healthcare providers were awarded through the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) scholarship program during the 2013 SAWC Spring/Wound Healing Society (WHS) conference held May 1-5 at...
SAWC Honors 2013 Scholarship...
Today's Wound Clinic
News Update
MacroCure Names AAWC Official Lead Clinical Trial Investigator   Vickie R. Driver, DPM, MS, FACFAS, has been nominated as the lead principal investigator of a Phase III clinical study on chronic lower-extremity ulcers currently being...
MacroCure Names AAWC Official Lead Clinical Trial Investigator   Vickie R. Driver, DPM, MS, FACFAS, has been nominated as the lead principal investigator of a Phase III clinical study on chronic lower-extremity ulcers currently being...
MacroCure Names AAWC Official...
Today's Wound Clinic
Michael Cioroiu, MD, FACS, CWS & Jeffrey M. Levine, MD, AGSF
Michael Cioroiu, MD, FACS, CWS & ...
  Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower limbs is often neglected when evaluating reasons for poor wound healing, particularly in elderly patients. Affecting roughly 12-14% of the general US population, PAD increases with age and...
  Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) of the lower limbs is often neglected when evaluating reasons for poor wound healing, particularly in elderly patients. Affecting roughly 12-14% of the general US population, PAD increases with age and...
  Peripheral arterial disease...
Today's Wound Clinic
Amy Rosetta, CPO, LPO
Amy Rosetta, CPO, LPO
  Taking a multidisciplinary approach has become the “gold standard” within the medical community, as it has proven to be optimal for patient care. Wound care is no exception, and as the incidence of wounds and diabetes has increased over...
  Taking a multidisciplinary approach has become the “gold standard” within the medical community, as it has proven to be optimal for patient care. Wound care is no exception, and as the incidence of wounds and diabetes has increased over...
  Taking a multidisciplinary...
Today's Wound Clinic
Desmond Bell, DPM, CWS & Leah Amir, MS, MHA
Desmond Bell, DPM, CWS & Leah Ami...
  Today's Wound Clinic would like to know the referral habits of our readers related to wound care interventionists. The results of this survey will be published in a future issue of the journal. The survey can be found at the following link:...
  Today's Wound Clinic would like to know the referral habits of our readers related to wound care interventionists. The results of this survey will be published in a future issue of the journal. The survey can be found at the following link:...
  Today's Wound Clinic would...
Today's Wound Clinic

