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We Are Social Creatures: Why Attending Live Meetings Is So Important

Desmond Bell DPM CWS FFPM RCPS Glasgow

I enjoy being an optimist.  

We need optimism in our careers as wound specialists. How else would we get through each patient encounter unless we were always seeing the good amidst the inherent negativity of the situation?  

What other group of individuals can examine a patient with a foul smelling, horrific-to-the-general-population open wound, and look for signs of improvement? Most of us in the wound care community can!

We also know the experience of feeling like we are the only ones dealing with the trials and tribulations that occur within a wound clinic. Having colleagues to share experiences with, vent, gripe, laugh, and cry helps us become better at what we do and is one of the bonds we share. This is why a return to live conferences is as important as it is therapeutic.  

I recently presented at my first live meeting in over a year, and the enthusiasm of everyone there was tangible. Attendees, faculty, industry, and planners all seemed to have a greater appreciation of each other and seemed genuinely happy to see each other. I witnessed and experienced lots of hugs, handshakes (a couple of fist bumps as well) and smiles not hidden behind masks!  

There have been several “silver linings” that have occurred during the lockdowns of the past year.

Telemedicine’s enhanced utilization is the most important in my opinion, along with the refinement of virtual meetings, whether for business or education.  

That being stated, we are social creatures and there is no substitute for “being there” and being with each other. This holds true for where conferences are part of the discussion. I have long believed that some of the most valuable experiences that occur in live meetings are the spontaneous “5-minute sidebar” encounters that lead to enhanced problem solving, whether clinically or on the business side. Ultimately patients benefit the most, and often, enduring friendships are started or strengthened through shared experiences.  

I strongly recommend “getting back out there” and attending a live meeting this year. Any hesitation will likely give way pretty quickly to the enthusiasm and happiness that is inherent when friends gather for a special occasion. You will be certain to learn a few things, and more importantly, you will sense a recommitment to your patients and yourself. You will also probably give and receive more hugs than you may have imagined, and the best part is that they will be genuine!  

BellDr. Desmond Bell is the Founder and President of “The Save A Leg, Save A Life” Foundation, a multidisciplinary non-profit organization dedicated to the reduction in lower extremity amputations and improving wound healing outcomes through education, evidence-based methodology and community outreach. He also serves as Chief Medical Officer of Omeza, an evidence-based medical technology company and consumer healthcare products company initially focused on healing chronic wounds and preventing their recurrence. In 2020, he joined MD Coaches as an Executive Physician Coach, serving as a peer to peer mentor.



