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From the Editor

A Note From The New Managing Editor

April 2019

Dear Readers,

Hello! I am honored to introduce myself as the new managing editor of Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC). I am grateful for the time and effort Joe Darrah took to build this publication and am excited to have a part in taking TWC to greater heights. 

For the last 18 years I have edited Podiatry Today, a sister publication of the Wound Care Division at HMP, working my way up to managing editor. In that capacity, I worked with quite a few podiatrists who had experience and expertise treating all types of wounds of the lower extremity, including patients with diabetes, in venues such as the Wound Care Q&A column, the Diabetes Watch column and Podiatry Today’s annual wound care theme issue. I hope to draw on my background in wounds in this new capacity of charting the future of the wound clinic. 

The next few months will offer some meaty topics to TWC readers. This month’s issue focuses on digital health care in the wound clinic, with an article on how digital health can impact clinics, a primer on remote therapy monitoring, and a look at telehealth reimbursement. Our May issue highlights the importance of skin care in the outpatient clinic, including a special piece on the dermatologic care of patients with multiple sclerosis. Looking even further ahead, June will bring articles on designing a wound care formulary and implementing best practices into your clinic, while July will offer insights on diabetes and nutrition. 

It will be exciting to develop an editorial calendar with our esteemed editorial advisory board. Some of the board I have worked with before and some I have not, but your reputations in the wound clinic arena precede you all. 

In addition, I look forward to meeting many of the board members as well as our TWC readership in person at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring, May 7–11, in San Antonio, Texas. This year’s Symposium promises to be great once again, with more than 2,000 people expected to attend. With more than 80 clinical sessions led by more than 100 expert faculty members, plus pre-conference sessions and new abstract categories, attendees will have a schedule full with CMEs, exhibit hall lunches, and networking. It has been years since I’ve attended an SAWC, so I am excited to see how much the Symposium has grown. 

For now, however, I am diving into TWC to shape this journal into the best possible resource for wound care providers. Please feel free to reach out at and let us know what you would like to read! 

