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Industry Insider: An Inside Look at Advanced BioHealing & MATRIX Health Services

April 2012

This month, Industry Insider presents interviews with Keith O’Briant, Senior Vice President of Commercial Operations, Advanced BioHealing, San Diego, CA; and Becky Evenson, BSN, MBA, ACHRN, Co-owner/Consultant, MATRIX Health Services, Madisonville, LA. Learn what these two key opinion leaders offer their companies and what their companies can offer you.

  Today’s Wound Clinic (TWC): Which would you say is your highest-selling product or service, and why do you believe it is so popular?
  Keith O’Briant (KOB): Advanced BioHealing, Shire’s Regenerative Medicine division, markets and manufactures Dermagraft,® a cryopreserved human fibroblast-derived dermal substitute that is composed of fibroblasts, extracellular matrix, and a bioresorbable scaffold. Dermagraft is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is indicated for use in the treatment of full-thickness diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). It has been applied more than 300,000 times in more than 1,000 wound care centers and outpatient clinics nationwide.

  TWC: How long have you been in wound care, and how did you enter this area of healthcare?
  KOB: I have been involved with the healthcare industry for nearly 25 years, having spent 17 years in a variety of sales-related leadership roles with Pfizer, Inc. My involvement in wound care began about 5 years ago when I joined Advanced BioHealing. The company had just acquired the assets to Dermagraft from Smith and Nephew, and I was brought in to help lead the reintroduction of Dermagraft into the US wound care market. Since then, we’ve worked diligently to build an outstanding team that has become the industry standard for commercializing a regenerative medicine product.

  TWC: Describe your day-to-day role with your company.
  KOB: I have overall responsibility for Dermagraft commercial operation in the US, which includes sales, marketing, reimbursement operations, and customer service.

  TWC: What makes you passionate about the work your company is doing in wound care?
  KOB: Diabetes is a global, rapidly growing epidemic that affects millions of people around the world. We know that nearly 25% of people with diabetes will experience a DFU in their lifetime. If left untreated, these wounds may become infected and lead to serious complications. As a result, there is a tremendous need to advance the wound care specialty to adequately treat these very serious wounds. I believe the work we’re doing to help educate patients and physicians on the severity of DFUs and the need for advanced wound care modalities to help treat them is critical to this goal. In addition, as the manufacturer of Dermagraft, we are in a unique position to offer an effective, active living-cell product to help heal these wounds and get patients back on their feet.

  TWC: How would you describe the overall mission of your company?
  KOB: Advanced BioHealing was acquired by Shire in June 2011 and is the cornerstone of the specialty biopharmaceutical company’s Regenerative Medicine division. Our mission is to be a global regenerative medicine company that enables people with life-altering conditions to lead better lives. To accomplish this goal, we are currently focused on developing and commercializing living-cell therapies for tissue repair and regeneration.

  TWC: What do you find most rewarding about providing your products/services to medical directors and wound care clinicians?
  KOB: The people we serve are often very sick patients who are experiencing severe complications of their disease, so our ability to provide wound care specialists with Dermagraft, an effective advanced therapy treatment to help them heal their wounds, is very rewarding.

  TWC: What would you say makes your company unique?
  KOB: One of our company’s most distinguishing factors is that we manufacture and market Dermagraft, an advanced wound care product that incorporates patented technology developed through many years of research. It is a safe, effective bio-engineered skin substitute clinically proven to heal DFUs faster than standard treatment. We are one of a few companies in healthcare, not just wound care, that successfully provides cell-based therapies to physicians and patients.

  TWC: How do you ensure clinicians are properly trained on your products and services?
  KOB: We encourage clinicians to take an evidence-based approach to wound healing to give them the best shot at healing their patients’ wounds quickly. Plus, our advanced technology specialists are trained to not only educate clinicians on the science behind Dermagraft, but to take a hands-on approach in the clinic to help train clinicians and their staffs on preparation and application of the product to ensure product viability when it is placed on a patient’s wound.

  TWC: Please highlight your company’s future goals.
  KOB: Because Dermagraft is the number one advanced therapy for treating DFUs, its utilization has grown steadily over the past several years. However, we currently only serve approximately 8% of the addressable DFU market. Key among our goals to bring Dermagraft to more patients in need is to continue to support the growth of the wound care specialty.

  We have been encouraged by the increasing number of comprehensive wound care training programs and expected increase in wound care center openings, as well as the recent merger between Diversified Clinical Services and National Healing Corporation. We also plan to continue to educate clinicians on the importance of taking a sophisticated approach to chronic wound healing and educating patients on the importance of seeking treatment for a DFU as quickly as possible.

  TWC: What challenges are you seeing in wound care, and how is your company approaching them?
  KOB: Many times, patients are not aware of how serious their DFUs may be and how urgently they need to seek treatment from a wound care specialist. To address this knowledge void, Advanced BioHealing has developed Heal2gether, a free community health program dedicated to promoting education and action to foster awareness about DFUs and wound care specialists to ultimately improve patients’ outcomes. Heal2gether uses various community outreach events to connect with the thousands of people across the nation who are at risk of developing the condition. In addition, Heal2gether helps give a voice to the experiences of DFU patients who, through greater understanding of the severity of their disease and advanced wound care treatments, have experienced complete recovery.

  In addition to educating patients, we are dedicated to advancing the wound care specialty by educating physicians on the need to move away from using antiquated dressings and ointments to employ advanced modalities, such as hyperbaric chambers, wound vacuums, and Dermagraft, when appropriate, to heal chronic wounds. A new standard of care in the treatment of chronic wounds has emerged, and it’s critical that wound care specialists adopt these treatment methods to help their patients heal and get back on their feet.

  TWC: What is new and exciting with your company in 2012?
  KOB: This will be our first full year as Shire’s Regenerative Medicine business. We are very excited about the opportunity to continue to educate patients and physicians about the importance of good DFU care and to enhance our partnerships with patient organizations around the country, such as Save a Leg, Save a Life and the American Diabetes Association.

  The company will continue to concentrate on commercialization and leveraging its expertise in the manufacturing, reimbursement, and sales and marketing of living cell-based therapies to expand Dermagraft into additional indications and geographies. Our immediate next step is to take Dermagraft beyond the US. We recently submitted an application to the Canadian authorities and are awaiting their approval.

  TWC: How can wound care clinicians contact a representative to learn more about your company and products?
  KOB: Wound care clinicians can learn more by visiting or by calling our customer service department at 1-877-DERMAGRAFT (337.6247).

Matrix Health Services

  TWC: How long have you been in wound care, and how did you enter this area of healthcare?
  Becky Evenson (BE): As an ICU and medical surgical nurse, I have treated wounds for more than 28 years and have been in the business of wound care since 2001. After graduating from an MBA program in 2001, I realized outpatient wound care was a much-needed service line for hospitals.

  I worked as a corporate administrator for a large wound care vendor company until 2003, when Mary Hirsch, RN, MHA, and I joined forces to create MATRIX Health Services. Mary has an extensive background in wound care and hospital administration, and together we were the ideal team to work with hospital administrators and clinicians to develop high-quality outpatient wound care programs.

  Both Mary and I are nurses first, meaning high-quality patient care is our ultimate goal. We understand the constraints that administrators work under and work with them to develop an outpatient wound care business model that is a win-win for all.

  TWC: Describe your day-to-day role with your company.
  BE: I spend a great deal of time communicating with current management and consulting clients, helping them resolve clinical or operational issues, as well as assisting them in developing case studies, CEU programs, and tracking and trending wound care outcomes. I also research all questions and concerns clients have and help develop processes to continuously improve patient care and satisfaction.

  Business development is one of my areas of expertise. I spend time working with potential clients to determine if an outpatient wound program would be beneficial to their hospital. I analyze wound care markets to review competition and other obstacles and work with hospitals to develop detailed proformas, projecting expected patient volumes, expenses, and revenues for a potential wound center.

  Another part of my job with MATRIX is to chair the South East Louisiana Chapter of Save a Leg, Save a Life. Mary and I believe amputation is too often the treatment of choice for patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and diabetes in Southeast Louisiana. We want to raise awareness of PAD and diabetic wounds in the area and help patients find resources to prevent amputations.

  TWC: Why do you feel passionate about the work your company is doing in wound care?
  BE: Patients with chronic wounds often go through multiple treatments spanning several years. There is no better feeling than to help a patient achieve wound healing, especially when amputation was a possibility.

  All hospitals, even those with limited financial resources, want to provide outstanding wound care services. MATRIX affords all hospitals the opportunity to provide wound care services without giving away all of their revenues. It is a wonderful feeling to help these facilities provide outstanding services for their patients.

  Over the years, MATRIX employees have developed professional relationships with our clients around the country. The most rewarding part of my job is knowing we have given 100% to our clients and have collected friends along the way.

  TWC: Describe the overall mission of your company.
  BE: Our mission statement is, “To be a foundation for growth by implementing and supporting quality wound care and hyperbaric oxygen services; to manage resources ethically and efficiently; and to bring value to our hospital partners, physician associates, and employees.”

  TWC: What do you find most rewarding about providing your products/services to medical directors and wound care clinicians?
  BE: Physicians and clinicians attracted to practicing in wound centers are a dedicated and compassionate group. MATRIX works with the wound care and hyperbaric teams to develop clinical and operational skills necessary to deliver the highest quality care. Our practice relies on evidence-based medicine and is focused on providing the appropriate resources for each individual patient.

  Physicians who are usually independent contractors also find these programs rewarding. Hospital administrators are able to partner with physicians to provide healthcare services and often find these programs to be a useful physician recruitment incentive.

  TWC: Which would you say is your highest-selling product or service, and why do you feel it is so popular?
  BE: Many hospital administrators want to develop a comprehensive outpatient wound care and hyperbaric center without engaging in a long-term commitment with a large wound care vendor. The Quick Launch to Excellence Program was designed to provide start-up support, develop ongoing clinical and operational processes, and provide the tools and plans for continued success. The program term is the initial start up period (usually 3 to 6 months), plus 2 to 3 years after opening. When the contract is complete, your unit should be able to function independently.

  In the Quick Launch to Excellence Program, MATRIX orchestrates all preliminary plans such as building design and equipment and supply procurement; hires the staff and pulls the physician team together; provides a 43-hour training course; initiates policy and procedures; provides wound healing and hyperbaric guidelines; develops billing and coding infrastructure; and works with your marketing department to develop a marketing strategy and collaterals so you can provide an outstanding outpatient wound care program for your community.

  Once MATRIX and your team have developed the program and the wound center is operational, MATRIX stays closely involved with the program director to ensure the day-to-day activities support optimum wound healing and meet compliance standards. Phone calls, emails, and site visits will be made frequently to ensure the wound center is running smoothly and that patient volumes are growing. After the program has been open for at least 1 year, MATRIX will assist the wound center in preparing for a UHMS accreditation survey.

  The final year of the term is the transition year. MATRIX will educate the director and staff to take the reins of the center. The director will be taught to manage all operations and perform financial reviews and will be given operational plans for the center’s continued success.

  Hospitals often need help to get a program off the ground and before they can manage their program independently. MATRIX can be consulted for specific areas whenever a hospital needs support, so a long-term contract is not necessary.

  TWC: What would you say makes your company unique?
  BE: Unlike some large wound care and hyperbaric vendors, our model focuses on supporting hospitals to provide the services internally, not outsourcing the services. We provide the hospitals with all the tools and training to develop the highest-quality programs and give them the support they need to provide comprehensive wound care services. MATRIX provides just the support you need, without taking all of your revenues.

  TWC: How do you ensure clinicians are properly trained on your products or services?
  BE: MATRIX provides an initial National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology-approved, 40-hour “Comprehensive Introduction to Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care” course for all our physicians and clinicians. We encourage continual education in hyperbaric and wound care issues through additional courses, as well as group discussion of current articles in our monthly staff and physician meetings. MATRIX encourages hyperbaric certification by nurses, technicians, and physicians, as well as membership in Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), American College of Hyperbaric Medicine, and Baromedical Nurses Association as appropriate.

  TWC: Please highlight your company’s future goals.
  BE: MATRIX will continue to refine and perfect our consulting and management services. We will continue to develop creative solutions to unique hospital and patient needs.

  TWC: What challenges are you seeing in wound care, and how is your company approaching them?
  BE: The biggest challenge in the wound care world is to continue to provide the highest quality care under ever-shrinking reimbursement. MATRIX continues to thrive in this environment, because hospitals are looking for a way to develop and operate high-quality wound care programs while receiving most of the revenues from the services provided.

  MATRIX is a small company with low overhead.

  We provide the consulting and management services to hospitals at a lower cost than many other companies. Hospitals have the opportunity to create their signature program with the experience and support of MATRIX.

  TWC: What is new and exciting with your company in 2012?
  BE: We continue to be consulted to provide new and exciting services. We have helped hospitals develop comprehensive limb-salvage programs, whereby amputation rates are decreased and patients’ quality of life is increased.

  These programs are designed to treat the whole patient and to deliver higher-quality cardiovascular screenings and prevention programs to prevent major complication and to decrease hospital resources.

  Preparation for UHMS Accreditation Survey is a complex process and another service that MATRIX provides. It’s very rewarding to work with hospital administrators, clinicians, and physicians concerned enough to take the next step in creating the safest, most effective hyperbaric environment.

  Wound prevention and treatment are parts of the entire healthcare continuum. MATRIX continues to add programs in acute care and long-term acute care environments. We have developed “The Wound Care Kit” to assist clinicians in preventing and treating wounds in the inpatient environment. We constantly evaluate new treatment modalities for patients in these settings. MATRIX is a unique company based on the belief that we can provide high-quality management and consulting services to hospitals, even with their current budgetary constraints.

  TWC: How can wound care clinicians contact a representative to learn more about your company and products?
  BE: Call me at504-906-1024; or send an Also, visit

