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Clinician's Report

Clinician’s Report: A Review Of EMR Systems

March 2012

Intellicure, Inc
(800) 603-7896 •

1) What is the name of your EMR system? Intellicure EHR™ Version 5.01.

2) Is your EMR software as a service (SaaS) or client server based? Most of our customers are SaaS models, but we do offer client server based as well.

3) What types of software products do you sell (ie, do you license different versions and, if so, what is the main difference between them)? We provide an ONC-ATCB Certified Complete Ambulatory EHR for Outpatient Wound and Hyperbaric Clinics. Intellicure EHR™ Version 5.01 is our latest version, which meets the Stage 1 Meaningful Use requirements. It includes electronic prescribing (eRx), and customers can add the “LCD Defender” which ensures correct coding for procedures. Clients who do not wish to meet meaningful use requirements may purchase our IntelliTrak 4.0 version through October 2013, which does not have eRx.

4) Is one of your software products certified for Meaningful Use Stage I? Yes. Intellicure EHR™ Version 5.01.

5) List the various interfaces you provide. We can Interface with any software package that is HL7 compliant. Typical interfaces are Registration (ADT), Billing (DFT), Document Return (MDM), Results Return (ORU), Scheduling, and Uni-Directional or Bi-Directional Lab Interfaces.

6) How many clinical quality measures do you support? We support all 15 Core Objectives and the 10 Menu Set Objectives for Meaningful Use. With regard to Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs), we provide the 3 Core Measures, the 3 Alternate Core Measures, and 8 of the 38 additional CQMs.

7) What type of training do you offer with licensing of your product? Intellicure provides a training program designed to assist clinicians every step of the way through the EHR adoption and implementation. We begin weeks before go-live, with your clinic manager coming to our Intellicure office for 3 days of intensive orientation. This is followed by 3 days of onsite training with all staff. After go-live, charts are audited remotely for completeness and trainers provide feedback to clinicians for 8 weeks regarding their documentation quality and answer any remaining questions. Educational videos covering documentation issues, quality measures, Meaningful Use, and other topics are available on the popular Member’s Portal.

8) What are the key features of your EMR system? If it is certified, focus on the aspects pertinent to Meaningful Use. The Intellicure software is rich in features and benefits. First, with our pre-programmed menus, there is almost no typing. Secondly, it works like a paper chart, giving you the ability to move around without having to submit data. Intellicure internally audits the chart as you document, calculating the level of service based on the documentation. The clinical chart documents are generated, secured against alteration, and sent to your document manager to ensure compliance. Our reporting features allow you to see more than 50 different types of reports in real time and generate the eligible provider’s Meaningful Use reports as well.

9) What should clients do if they find a bug in your EMR system? We provide a rigorous software beta and testing process that should eliminate a bug from the production version of the software. If a bug is found, we recommend contacting our customer support team immediately.

10) What solutions do you offer for photographic storage or document management? Our module, “Picture It There,” allows for Wi-Fi capture of a photo from a digital camera and then uploads that photo directly to the chart without the need of time-consuming downloads and drag-and-drop functionality. After the photo has populated the chart, the photo then is erased from the camera to ensure patient confidentially and compliance with HIPAA regulations, should a camera be stolen or lost.

11) What aspect of your EMR system do customers seem to like the most and why? Because 75% of revenue can come from procedures, “LCD Defender” is one of our most popular packages. As you document a procedure, it alerts you if any part of the documentation is not compliant with your Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs). You will know before sign-off where reimbursement problems might exist and fix them on the spot. Automated chart abstracting for E/M calculations is another popular feature. The ease of using our “structured notes” for documenting procedures and the fact that you do not have to type or cut and paste is very popular with physicians, as well as with compliance auditors!

12) How do you help your eligible providers generate their Meaningful Use reports? Eligible providers utilizing the certified Intellicure EHR™ 5.01 have access to Intellicure’s Reporting Services where all of their required reports are generated. We have educational materials on the Member’s Portal that demonstrate how to generate and submit reports. We also provide individual consultative services to assist our physician partners with submission.

13) How does your EMR support the billing process for the hospital and the physician? Intellicure audits the chart in real time as the clinician is documenting. When the clinician signs off, it informs them what level of service the documentation will support for both the facility and the physician. Intellicure created and validated an Acuity Scoring Tool for wound centers in 2007. We also provide LCD Defender to ensure correct coding for all procedures. We can provide billing feeds to the hospital, and we offer a billing service for physicians. Intellicure also offers consulting services to physicians and hospitals regarding billing and coding questions through our Revenue Cycle Management division.

14) Does your system offer clinical recommendations throughout the patient encounter in real time? Yes. We have decision support, which recommends appropriate clinical interventions, such as offloading, compression, debridement, antibiotic therapy, and evidence-based dressing choices based on wound characteristics.

15) How does your EMR system drive performance improvement? Intellicure drives correct charting by internally auditing charts in real time and informing the clinician what level of service their documentation supports. This provides a feedback loop, encouraging best practices in documentation. LCD Defender, while geared at ensuring compliance with Medicare coverage policy, informs the clinician when certain procedures clinically don’t make sense. More than 50 individual reports allow physicians and managers to evaluate charting, monitor patient education, ensure compliance with decision support, and compare outcomes to aggregate national data. We have created the ideal setting for performance improvement in which clinical charting is linked to quality of care and reimbursement.

Net Health Systems, Inc.
(800) 411-6281 •

1) What is the name of your EMR system? WoundExpert®.

2) Is your EMR software as a service (SaaS) or client server based? SaaS — no software installation, shorter deployment time, and easily implemented upgrades.

3) What types of software products do you sell (ie, do you license different versions and if so, what is the main difference between them)? The WoundExpert software is available in a scalable, three-tiered format to serve wound care center needs as they grow from an Outcomes Tracking operation (paper charting and data entry) to a Point of Service environment and ultimately to a complete 100% paperless Electronic Medical Record (EMR) solution. Our EMR solution affords objective evaluation of treatment efficacy, cost effectiveness, and operational efficiency. WoundExpert was designed to create an intuitive electronic workflow to support physicians, nurses, and wound center managers and to provide actionable information right at their fingertips. The goal is to save time, so you can spend more time delivering great care to your patients.

4) Is one of your software products certified for Meaningful Use Stage I? Yes. WoundExpert is the first electronic health record (EHR) certified complete by the Drummond Group, an Office of the National Coordinator’s Authorized Testing and Certification Body (ONC-ATCB) approved testing entity (Certification ID number: 06032011-1153-8). Of note:
    • Eligible providers can receive up to $44,000 in Meaningful Use stimulus incentive money.
    • Clinic operators receive new features for advanced patient safety, better management tools, and time-saving features to enhance efficiency.
    • WoundExpert is committed to helping clients achieve Meaningful Use through education and training, ongoing development, and upgrades based on regulatory requirements.

5) List the various interfaces you provide. Utilizing the Health Level Seven (HL7) standard, WoundExpert integration services keeps patient records in sync with hospitals’ information systems, enabling reliable and HIPAA-compliant delivery of patient data. We currently support interfaces with every major EMR company.

Supported interfaces:
    • Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT): receives admission/discharge information containing demographics, referring and primary care physicians, and insurance coverage
    • Billing: sends International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT-4) codes directly to hospital’s billing system
    • Orders: sends ancillary services orders to the clinical system
    • Results: sends clinical results data to hospitals’ EMR system
    • Scheduling: facilitates communication of patient appointments with hospitals’ centralized scheduling system.

6) How many clinical quality measures do you support? WoundExpert offers 20 Outcomes, Benchmarks, In-Patient, and HBO clinical reports that can all be used to support clinical quality measures.

7) What type of training do you offer with licensing of your product? Onsite training is provided for all clients. The curriculum comprehensively covers data entry, reporting, and facility setup. Our trainers also spend time with program directors, physicians, staff nurses, data entry personnel, and read-only users such as billers/coders so each individual understands how WoundExpert supports their daily workflow. We also provide follow-up onsite training. All clients also have access to an online user manual, and free webinar trainings are available for new employees or as a refresher for current employees.

  Our team consists of former program directors, current nurses, and wound care industry veterans who understand the complexities of operating a wound center.

8) What are the key features of your EMR system? If it is certified, focus on the aspects pertinent to meaningful use. As a certified EMR, WoundExpert allows eligible providers to meet and demonstrate up to 25 Core and 5 Menu Set objectives to qualify for Meaningful Use incentive payment.

  The key features of our Meaningful Use development include:
    • Electronic prescriptions
    • Automatic retrieval of patients’ medication history
    • Drug interaction checks
    • Implementation of ICD-9 codes into the Problem List.

9) What should clients do if they find a bug in your EMR system? Client support services are available 5 days a week, 8 am – 8 pm (ET), and 95% of all requests are resolved within 24 hours. Clients can reach us by phone or through the feedback link in WoundExpert, which sends email directly to the client services team. We have a team of nearly 20 engineers and quality assurance testers who provide consistent updates.

10) What solutions do you offer for photographic storage or document management? The WoundExpert EMR allows all clinical and physician documentation related to the wound clinic, as well as patient demographic and insurance information, to be entered electronically, providing for a completely paperless system. Wound and patient photos also can be uploaded wirelessly or via cameras connected to your computer and stored within WoundExpert. Scanned documents also can be uploaded, creating a complete patient record in one location.

11) What aspect of your EMR system do customers seem to like the most and why? First and foremost, fewer clicks, better reports, and an intuitive design. The system was designed to simplify a wound center’s workflow. Our team and advisors consist of doctors, nurses, and front line managers who help us continue to achieve this mission. Moreover, Net Health provides friendly and helpful customer service. Hence, much of the positive experience comes from the size and knowledge base of our team and the way we interact.

  WoundExpert users appreciate the simplicity of having their records accessible online versus sorting through paper charts.

  The robust reporting capabilities are also very important to WoundExpert users because they allow for thorough analysis of their program, leading to enhanced patient care. Specific examples include the Wound Analysis Chart and Patient Progress Reports, which allow users to see a complete overview of the progression or deterioration of the wound.

12) How do you help your eligible providers generate their meaningful use reports? Progress toward most objectives is automatically calculated in real time within the WoundExpert Meaningful Use Grid. The grid allows providers to track their results and report their achievements to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) at the end of their reporting period.

13) How does your EMR support the billing process for the hospital and the physician? WoundExpert supports the creation of a complete Superbill that includes ICD-9 and CPT 4 procedure codes along with the facility and physician E/M levels. Superbill automation is available and populates the Superbill with the specified procedure(s) and the E/M codes based upon submitted documentation. Automation rules are in support of the national CMS and the American Medical Association (AMA) regulatory requirements.

  We also are excited to announce the release of a business practice model for physician billing services. Through our Revenue Cycle Management module, which will support insurance eligibility verification as well as electronic submission and management of insurance claims, physicians will be able to submit their claims directly from WoundExpert, resulting in improved billing integrity and faster revenue turnaround time.

14) Does your system offer clinical recommendations throughout the patient encounter in real-time? Clinical decision support is built into the application. Appropriate alerts such as patient reminders or drug-allergy checks will trigger in real time based on the documentation submitted throughout the encounter.

15) How does your EMR system drive performance improvement? By supporting a complete and paperless patient record, WoundExpert allows for quick access to critical patient and wound information to all members of a multidisciplinary team. It includes features such as risk assessment tools to increase patient safety. WoundExpert’s powerful reporting tools help providers track and demonstrate wound healing. And, the suite of interfaces available along with the Wound Product Supplier (WPS) and Kinetic Concepts, Inc. (KCI®) modules eliminate the need for duplicate documentation, saving wound clinics valuable time.

Well Care Strategies
(866) 258-2510 •

1) What is the name of your EMR system? TPS™ EMR.

2) Is your EMR software as a service (SaaS) or client server based? SaaS

3) What types of software products do you sell (ie, do you license different versions and if so, what is the main difference between them)? There is one core version of TPS™ EMR available and it’s built in a flexible manner, allowing clients to choose from various modules and configurations. As a base, clients choose either an Inpatient and/or Outpatient configuration. Add-on modules (including Predictive Modeling, photographic wound analysis, Supply Orders, ePrescribe, and more) are available to optimize the system for complete client needs.

4) Is one of your software products certified for Meaningful Use Stage I? Yes, TPS™ EMR is certified for meaningful use (stage 1) compliance.

5) List the various interfaces you provide. We provide interfaces to bring demographics/insurance/emergency contact information into TPS™ EMR through an ADT interface. The completed patient visit record is seamlessly uploaded to the hospital’s EHR. Lab, radiology, and vascular results are interfaced with the hospital’s EHR. The suite of interfaces also include Supply Orders for DME transactions, as well as Interface capabilities with physician offices.

6) How many clinical quality measures do you support? We support nine clinical quality measures. These can be viewed in our listing at the website HealthIT.HHS.Gov.

7) What type of training do you offer with licensing of your product? TPS™ EMR deployment experts begin the training relationship before installation—reviewing all work flow processes from registration, to clinical, to coding/billing and compliance. Our qualified trainers educate, mentor, and provide proven clinical and departmental leads on workflow and process management. Training is provided both onsite (role-based) and remotely.

  Ongoing and transitional support is available inside the software (help screens) and via role-based online video tutorials. As new features and modules are pushed out to clients through the SaaS platform, they are supported by additional training.

8) What are the key features of your EMR system? If it is certified, focus on the aspects pertinent to Meaningful Use.

Some key TPS™ EMR features include:
    • Meaningful Use compliant – Complete Ambulatory EHR
    • e-Prescribe
    • Problem list
    • Medication Reconciliation
    • Patient specific education resources
    • Audit logs
    • Secure role-based workflow — physician, clinician, administrative, etc.
    • Speed entry for physician documentation
    • AutoMinder® Plus — enhanced clinical decision support
    • AutoCalculate™ — digital, photo-based, automated wound measurement, and tissue grading analysis technology
    • AutoAdvance™ — Predictive Modeling Suite
    • Management dashboards
    • Documentation reconciliation by role/screen
    • Dual entry alerts
    • Photo capture
    • Compliance and auditing
    • Facility coding and billing
    • Physician Superbill
    • Configurable
    • MAC, LCD, PQRS configurable templates — by role-based user
    • Front office communication components
    • Scheduling module
    • Messaging center.

9) What should clients do if they find a bug in your EMR system? Our automated Help Desk allows clients to submit and monitor the progress of their issues, online, 24 hours/day. In addition (during business hours), we provide live Help Desk support to both East and West Coast clients. Clients also have a Customer Care representative to use as point of contact.

10) What solutions do you offer for photographic storage or document management? TPS™ EMR allows for any document and/or digital photo upload to be securely stored and tagged to the patient record. Specifically, our unmatched AutoCalculate™ technology uses the photo to measure wound area (accurate within .1%) and then analyze/grade wound tissue quality. This technology is managed accurately and with complete clinical consistency by each clinician, providing accurate data about the wound areas treated (supporting reimbursement), treatment efficacy, and healing rates.

11) What aspect of your EMR system do customers seem to like the most and why? To name a few, customers are excited by TPS™ EMR’s general Ease of Use through the role-based navigation, configurable database, AutoCalculate™ wound photo analysis, and predictive modeling technologies.

12) How do you help your eligible providers generate their Meaningful Use reports? Reports needed for Stage 1 attestation are generated with one click from our Meaningful Use Dashboard. Within this library of data, clients are able to produce the necessary HHS-defined Automated Measure Calculation Reports required for Stage 1 Meaningful Use attestation.

13) How does your EMR support the billing process for the hospital and the physician? Hospital process for billing: TPS™ EMR is customized with your Chargemaster. The CPT and ICD-9 codes (ICD-10 is in progress) are updated annually. Additionally, TPS™ EMR includes a proprietary APC Mapping System (if desired) that calculates your work performed for the visit. One-click access produces the Facility Superbill. Physician process for billing: the physician level of service is based on the physician documentation performed in TPS™ EMR. The Physician Superbill is then calculated as specified by the 1995 Medicare Physician Documentation Guidelines. One-click access produces the Physician Superbill.

14) Does your system offer clinical recommendations throughout the patient encounter in real time? Yes. TPS™EMR’s AutoMinder® and AutoMinder® PLUS integrate our company’s deep clinical expertise and support our clients’s evolving best clinical practices. The system guides treatment workflows with evidence-based medicine and constantly monitors for execution errors that can be detected among various patient record data points.

15) How does your EMR system drive performance improvement? TPS™ EMR is built upon best clinical wound care and operational practices, driving compliance and continual performance improvement.

  This is accomplished in many ways, but, to name a few: 1) the EMR allows the lead clinician to ensure records are e-signed and locked based on hospital policy; 2) auditing of the EMR is complete for each visit which supports HIM and coding initiatives; 3) clinical decision support tools — ie, AutoMinder™ Plus — are activated automatically when detecting a clinical or operational variance within the documentation collected in TPS™ EMR. Once triggered, AutoMinder™ Plus (automatically) provides the user with a visual notice alerting them to the detected variance; 4) case management is completed through Your TPS™ EMR reporting suite, which ties to patient healing rates and facility outcomes.These are just some of the select features that drive root-cause analysis to track and generate performance metrics for optimal clinical business intelligence.

