Integrated Outpatient Code Editor: An Underused Resource
Information regarding coding, coverage, and payment is provided as a service to our readers. Every effort has been made to ensure information accuracy. However, HMP Communications and the author do not represent, guarantee, or warranty that coding, coverage, and payment information is error-free and/or that payment will be received. The ultimate responsibility for verifying information accuracy lies with the reader.
The Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) program processes claims for all hospital outpatient provider-based departments (PBDs) that are paid according to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). This program edits the data on the claims to identify individual errors (specific to Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System [HCPCS] codes, HCPCS modifiers, and ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes) and indicates actions that should be taken, as well as the reasons certain actions are necessary. The I/OCE also assigns an Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) number for each service that is covered under OPPS. The I/OCE specifications are one of the most valuable Medicare resources for PBDs and revenue cycle teams because the specifications explain the edits applied to the PBDs’ Part B claims. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) also publishes data files with the I/OCE specifications. These data files contain codes for each edit or logic function performed by the I/OCE program. The I/OCE specifications and data files are updated quarterly and are typically published the first week of the month prior to the beginning of a new quarter.1 Although this large file contains more information than most PBD revenue cycle personnel wish to know, the files are a great library for researching how CMS software makes edits of PBD claims. The following are the I/OCE specification files that this author reviews each quarter:
This file is labeled as and is particularly helpful for PBD program directors and Charge Description Master (CDM) directors because it contains lists of new, revised, and deleted codes, modifiers, revenue codes, and APC group codes. The following are examples of new I/OCE edit information pertinent to wound management that published in this file throughout 2018. (Note that these lists are not inclusive of all the published I/OCE data changes. Readers should view each quarter’s file for the complete list of data changes.)
January: Q4176 Neopatch, per sq cm
Q4177 Floweramnioflo, 0.1 cc
Q4178 Floweramniopatch, per sq cm
Q4179 Flowerderm, per sq cm
Q4180 Revita, per sq cm
Q4181 Amnio wound, per sq cm
Q4182 Transcyte, per sq cm
January: 29582 Apply multlay comprs upr leg
29583 Apply multlay comprs upr arm
HCPCS Old Description New Description
January: 17250 Chemical cautery tissue Chem caut of tissue granltj tissue
Q4132 Grafix core Grafix core, grafixpl core
Q4133 Grafix prime Grafix prime, grafix pl prime
Q4148 Neox 1k, 1 cm Neox, neox rt, or clarix cord
Q4156 Neox 100, 1 sq cm Neox 100 or clarix 100
Q4162 Amnio bio and woundex flow Wndex flw, bioskin flw, 0.5cc
Q4163 Amnio bio and woundex sq cm Woundex, bioskin, per sq cm
HCPCS Code Description Old APC New APC
January: 15130 Derm autograft trnk/arm/leg 05055 05054
15150 Cult skin grft t/arm/leg 05055 05054
15200 Skin full graft trunk 05055 05054
Q4172 Puraply or puraply am 01657 00000
October: Q4172 Puraply or puraply am 00000 09082
HCPCS Code Description Old SI New SI
January: Q4172 Puraply or puraply am G N
October: Q4172 Puraply or puraply am N G
January: The following pass-through skin substitute product code subject to APC payment offset was removed effective Jan. 1, 2018: Q4172
October: The following pass-through skin substitute product code subject to APC payment offset was added effective Oct.1, 2018: Q4172
January: The following codes were added to the skin substitute low-cost product list effective Jan.1, 2018: Q4176, Q4178, Q4179, Q4180, Q4181, Q4182
The following code was removed from the skin substitute low-cost product list effective Jan. 1, 2018: Q4162
April: The following code was removed from the skin substitute low-cost product list effective April 1, 2018: Q4180
July: The following code was removed from the skin substitute low-cost product list effective July 1, 2018: Q4178
October: The following code was removed from the skin substitute low-cost product list effective Oct. 1, 2018: Q4181
April: The following code was added to the skin substitute high-cost product list effective April 1, 2018: Q4180
July: The following code was added to the skin substitute high-cost product list effective April 1, 2018: Q4178
October: The following code was added to the skin substitute high-cost product list effective Oct. 1, 2018: Q4181
October: The following ICD-10 diagnosis codes were deleted from the I/OCE effective 10/1/18:
T814XXA Infection following a procedure, initial encounter
T814XXD Infection following a procedure, subsequent encounter
T814XXS Infection following a procedure, sequela
1. The “I/OCE Specifications” file labeled IntegOCEspecsV [version number] is where the explanations of the claim edits are found.
2. The “Summary of Quarterly Release Modifications” is a table in Section 2 of the “I/OCE Specifications,” which details all changes for that quarter.
3. The file labeled HcpcsMap includes all HCPCS codes and whether they are included in various edits. The first quarter 2019 I/OCE file should be posted on the CMS website at this time. This author is encouraging PBD program directors, CDM directors, and other members of the PBD revenue cycle team to review the valuable information that is contained in the January 2019 update. In addition to providing information needed for updating the CDM, the information found in the I/OCE specifications is helpful when resolving billing and coding issues, researching why claims are stalled or denied, and questioning how codes on a claim will process for payment, denial, rejection, or be returned for correction. Readers should also mark their calendars to review the I/OCE updates each quarter. For notifications of when the I/OCE specifications are released and other pertinent CMS updates, consider registering to receive CMS updates.2 n
Kathleen D. Schaum oversees her own consulting business and is a founding member of the TWC editorial advisory board. She can be reached for consultation and questions at
1. OCE quarterly release files. CMS. 2018. Accessed online: medicare/coding/outpatientcodeedit/oceqtrreleasespecs.html
2. MLN matters® articles. CMS. 2018. Accessed online: www.cms. gov/outreach-and-education/medicare-learning-network-mln/ mlnmattersarticles/index.html