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Save the Date: Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit in June 2014

The Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit Scientific Conference & Exhibition (IAS) will be held June 20-22, 2014, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Dermatologist is joining forces with the Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Summit (IAS) to bring together hundreds of experts and specialists from across the autoimmune disease spectrum to better understand how to treat and collaboratively care for patients with interrelated diseases.

In addition to The Dermatologist, founding partners include the National Psoriasis Foundation, American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, International Foundation for Autoimmune Arthritis, and the Coalition of Rheumatology Educators.

The 2.5 day conference and exhibition features a variety of educational sessions that provide practical and targeted education on interrelated autoimmune diseases that include, but are not limited to Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Targets, Rheumatic Diseases, Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Innovative Cross-Discipline Management Strategies will be presented. For more information, please visit,



