In Vivo Imaging Series of Acute Left Ventricle Free-Wall Rupture Post Primary PCI
Alessio Arrivi, MD, PhD and Valentino Borghetti, MD
Video supplement to “Acute Left Ventricle Free-Wall Rupture Post Primary PCI: In Vivo Imaging,” by Arrivi and Borghetti. (March 2022 Clinical Images).
A 69-year-old male was referred to our cath lab for primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), which was complicated by acute cardiac tamponade. Failure to resolve cardiac tamponade and persistent hemorrhage obliged us to perform surgical subxiphoyd pericardial incision. However, the constant supply of blood from the pericardium and the development of cardiogenic shock state led us to suspect cardiac laceration, which is demonstrated in the following video series.