Imaging Series Demonstrating Surgical Treatment for Gerbode Defect Caused by Infective Endocarditis
Makoto Hibino, MD1; Nitish K. Dhingra, BHSc1; Raj Verma2; Pankaj Puar, BHSc1; Subodh Verma, MD1,2; Bobby Yanagawa, MD1
Video supplement to ”Surgical Treatment for Gerbode Defect Caused by Infective Endocarditis,” by Hibino, et al. (December 2021 Clinical Images).
In this case, a Gerbode defect in a 52-year-old woman caused by infective endocarditis was closed with autologous pericardium. Postoperative echocardiographic findings were satisfactory without residual shunt flow or perivalvular leak. Her postoperative recovery was uneventful without infection recurrence. Gerbode defect is a rare complication of infective endocarditis and careful preoperative echocardiographic work-up is imperative for successful repair.