Coronary Angiography Demonstrating Anomalous Coronary Artery From the Opposite Sinus
Dimitrios Karelas, MD; John Papanikolaou, MD, PhD; Dimitrios Kalantzis, MD; Nikolaos Platogiannis, MD, MSc
Video supplement to ”ACAOS (Anomalous Coronary Artery From the Opposite Sinus) as Part of a Chaos: 75 Years of Harmonious Occult Coexistence,” by Karelas, et al. (June 2022 Clinical Images).
A 75-year-old woman was referred to our center for coronary angiography (CA) due to atypical chest discomfort unrelated to exertion and accompanying coronary artery disease risk factors. CA revealed complex anatomic anomalies, which are highlighted in the following video series.