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Video Series

Innovation in Cardiovascular Disease Care & Coverage

PopHealth perspectives logo all whiteJen Norton, vice president and head of US Value & Access, Amgen, discusses challenges related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) management and how stakeholders across the health care industry can partner to close gaps in care and reduce costs.

About Jen Norton

Headshot of Jen Norton, Amgen, on a blue background underneath the PopHealth Perspectives logo.

Jen Norton is the vice president and head of US Value & Access at Amgen. She has nearly 2 decades of experience in pharmaceutical market access.


Current Challenges and Opportunities in the CVD Treatment Landscape

Jen Norton breaks down the challenges CVD presents for patients, payers, and providers, as well as opportunities for stakeholders to improve CVD management. Watch here.

The Patient Journey: Improving Access to CVD Care

Jen Norton shares how stakeholders across the health care system can collaborate to address the unmet needs of patients with CVD. Watch here.

Amgen’s Integrated Solutions to Help Improve CVD Care

Jen Norton reviews what Amgen has learned about closing gaps in cardiovascular care, improving outcomes, and reducing costs by partnering with payers and health systems. Watch here.


