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Volume 18 eplasty


Utility of an Anterior Tibial Perforator for Skin Paddle Viability in Through-and-Through Defects of the Mandible
Case Report
The present report describes an alternative technique of using a flow- through, double-paddle, fibular, osteocutaneous free flap based on one perforator from the peroneal system and one perforator from the anterior tibial system for a...
The present report describes an alternative technique of using a flow- through, double-paddle, fibular, osteocutaneous free flap based on one perforator from the peroneal system and one perforator from the anterior tibial system for a...
The present report describes an...
Temporary Abdominal Closure Combined With an Irrigating System Utilizing Hypochlorous Acid Solution to Decrease Abdominal Mucopurulence
Case Report
A 47-year-old man with granulomatosis polyangiitis (GPA) (formerly known as Wegener's granulomatosis) was admitted to a local medical center for new-onset hemoptysis secondary to diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) that eventually required a...
A 47-year-old man with granulomatosis polyangiitis (GPA) (formerly known as Wegener's granulomatosis) was admitted to a local medical center for new-onset hemoptysis secondary to diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) that eventually required a...
A 47-year-old man with...
Evaluating a Variable Porosity Wound Dressing With Anti-Scar Properties in a Porcine Model of Wound Healing
Original Research
Results of this study suggest that PDC and PDA can serve as temporary wound dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds.
Results of this study suggest that PDC and PDA can serve as temporary wound dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds.
Results of this study suggest...
An Analysis of Pediatric Scar Progression Over Time
Case Report
CASE REPORT An Analysis of Pediatric Scar Progression Over Time Blaire Slavina Roberta Torres, MSN, RN, PNP-BC, and Anne C. Fischer, MD, PhD, MBAb aUniversity of Miami, Miami, Fla; and bFlorida Atlantic University, Boca...
CASE REPORT An Analysis of Pediatric Scar Progression Over Time Blaire Slavina Roberta Torres, MSN, RN, PNP-BC, and Anne C. Fischer, MD, PhD, MBAb aUniversity of Miami, Miami, Fla; and bFlorida Atlantic University, Boca...
Use of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Biological Bilaminar Matrix in Wound Bed Preparation: A Case Series
Original Research
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with...
Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap
Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Thomas J. Lee, MD,b Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS,a Andrea R. Hiller, BS,a Joshua Choo,...
Nipple-Areolar Complex Reconstruction: A Review of the Literature and Introduction of the Rectangle-to-Cube Nipple Flap Joshua T. Henderson, BA,a Thomas J. Lee, MD,b Andrew M. Swiergosz, BS,a Andrea R. Hiller, BS,a Joshua Choo,...
Nipple-Areolar Complex...
Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction With the Totally Autologous Latissimus Dorsi Flap in the Thin, Small-Breasted Woman: Give It More Thought!
Original Research
We recommend that the total autologous latissimus dorsi flap should be given more consideration when planning immediate breast reconstruction in this challenging group of thin, small-breasted patients
We recommend that the total autologous latissimus dorsi flap should be given more consideration when planning immediate breast reconstruction in this challenging group of thin, small-breasted patients
We recommend that the total...
Oncoplastic Reduction Pattern Technique Following Removal of Giant Fibroadenoma
Case Report
A modification of an inferior pedicle with Wise-pattern reduction mammoplasty for oncoplastic reconstruction of a giant fibroadenoma is presented.
A modification of an inferior pedicle with Wise-pattern reduction mammoplasty for oncoplastic reconstruction of a giant fibroadenoma is presented.
A modification of an inferior...
The Danger Zone in the Anterior Neck: Anatomical Landmarks to Avoid Injury to Anterior Jugular Vein During Face-Lift and Neck-Lift
Original Research
Knowledge of the anatomy, course, and location of the anterior jugular veins through the anterior neck based on anatomical landmarks and distance ratios can facilitate a safer dissection during rhytidectomy procedures.
Knowledge of the anatomy, course, and location of the anterior jugular veins through the anterior neck based on anatomical landmarks and distance ratios can facilitate a safer dissection during rhytidectomy procedures.
Knowledge of the anatomy,...
Intracranial Migration of Hardware 16 Years Following Craniosynostosis Repair
Case Report
The craniofacial surgeon considering metal plate fixation in the pediatric population should be aware of the possibility for transcranial plate and screw migration.
The craniofacial surgeon considering metal plate fixation in the pediatric population should be aware of the possibility for transcranial plate and screw migration.
The craniofacial surgeon...