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Mental Hygiene Project Brings Training to UCF Police Department

Mental hygiene Project logoPRESS RELEASE

The Mental Hygiene Project has created an 18-segment online video training course for mental health, wellness, and resilience in the workplace. The University of Central Florida Police Department has just completed the course with both sworn officers and civilians.

Chief Carl Metzger said, “The Psychological Empowerment 360 video course is effective, well-researched, engaging, and provides an excellent way to be proactive with resilience for your team. It is not an easy task to get law enforcement officers to be engaged with a video training course because of the demanding schedules and work stressors. Yet, these training segments are done in such a professional manner with images, graphics, moving video, and visual storytelling that the feedback was very positive about the course and the benefit of all the valuable information that is included.”

The cofounders of The Mental Hygiene Project, Ryan S. Gallik and Michael L. Stahl, are the creators of the online course. When asked why this course is so important for first responders, Stahl said, “First responders are under more stress than ever before, so building resilience and learning how to deal with stress in a constructive way is something that can benefit everyone.”

Gallik, also a retired firefighter/paramedic, added, “Sometimes mental health is a subject that is not talked about with first responders. We created a course that provides practical training first responders can relate to and enjoy.”

Learn more about the online video course and other resources for first responders at



