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N.M. State Police Investigating Alleged Fake EMT

Andy Stiny

May 22--A man who allegedly had a forged EMT license and who treated people including a legislator at the Roundhouse, is being investigated by State Police.

"We are investigating that guy," said State Police Sgt. Damyan Brown, referring to David Allen Phillips. KOB-TV reported that Phillips treated people at the Roundhouse from a first aid station during the past legislative session.

"During the session we've identified approximately 40 times that Mr. Phillips provided some level of EMT services to someone," State Police Maj. Ryan Suggs told KOB. Police believe Phillips was associated with Glorieta Search and Rescue. Search and Rescue teams are regulated by the State Police. The State Police intend to tighten up that process, Suggs told KOB.

"Albuquerque state Senator Jacob Candelaria told Reuters (new service) that Phillips had been manning the first aid station in the state Roundhouse when he hurt his knee during a recent session, adding that he was fortunate the injury wasn't life-threatening," the news service reported.

Charges are possible pending the outcome of the investigation, said Brown.



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