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Tennessee County to Allow EMS Director to Adjust Rates

Gary Nelson

March 07--CROSSVILLE -- The Cumberland County Commission approved a resolution authorizing its Emergency Medical Services director to adjust county EMS rates when revised rates are made by the federal government and governmental authorities.

Last month, Cumberland County Fire Chief and EMS Director Jeff Dodson told commissioners via letter that, effective Jan. 1, 2012, Medicare would increase payments to emergency medical service providers by 2.4 percent for inflation. The county had no choice in the matter of Medicare increasing its rate.?In the letter, Dodson recommended the county increase its rates reflecting the Medicare increase.?Dodson wrote, "We have verified with EMS consultants (that Cumberland County EMS department) billing software has been updated and we will receive the additional funds. However, it will be necessary to change our basic and mileage charges 2.4 percent if we wish to receive any additional money from other insurance or payment methods."

County commissioners serving on the budget committee questioned if there was a resolution in place allowing the EMS director to automatically increase or adjust the rate according to what governmental authorities set the rates.

Commissioners on the committee then requested the Cumberland County Finance Department to look into the matter and decided to prepare a resolution allowing the director to increase the rates according to changes set for Medicare or other governmental authorities.

According to resolution 02-2012-1, the federal government and other governmental authorities periodically adjust Medicare, Medicaid and other health related program reimbursement rates for emergency medical services. The county usually adjusts the rates accordingly and determined it would be more efficient for the EMS director to be allowed the authority to adjust the rates when they are changed by government or governmental authorities.

The resolution allows Dodson, or whomever the EMS director shall be, to implement EMS rates in accordance with the maximum allowable rates as established by federal and other governmental authorities at the first permissible effective date.

The resolution was approved unanimously after a motion was made by Clyde Cramer, 9th District commissioner. Cramer's motion was supported by Nancy Hyder, 2nd District commissioner.

It was approved in a 17-0 vote. Jan McNeil, 5th District commissioner, did not attend the meeting.

Copyright 2012 - Crossville Chronicle, Tenn.