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UK Service Publishes Ambulance Calendar

08 January 2014

A calendar designed completely by children across the region for the ambulance service has been made available to download online.

The 2014 calendar is made up of winners of a drawing competition run by the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) which ran every month during 2013. Entrants were asked to include an ambulance and think about the time of year when designing their entry.

Every month, a winning drawing was chosen, and the 'artist' was given a certificate, and a goody bag with a prize. They are also being given copies of the calendar to share with friends and family. For some of our talented winners a member of staff visited their school to congratulate them and present the winner’s goody bag.

Victoria Maillardet from the patient and public involvement team at EEAST said: "Thank you to all the children who entered and put so much effort into such lovely drawings.

"We had loads of fantastic entries which made picking our winners really tough. We were all very impressed by the drawings and really enjoyed looking at them all."

Download the calendar here.

The drawing competition will run again in 2014. If you know a child who would like to enter please download the entry form from our website. It can be returned by free post to the address given on the entry form.