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BRIEF: Woman suffers burns at gas pump

Sue Sterling

Dec. 07--WARRENSBURG -- A woman received serious burns when gasoline sprayed her and ignited at a gas pump at Quickstop, 314 N. Maguire St., based on a Fire Department report.

Assistant Fire Chief Jim Kushner said Kristen Epsen, 20, Knob Noster, received burned arms, face and chest. Johnson County Ambulance District personnel transported her to the University of Kansas Burn Center for treatment.

Fire Department Battalion Chief Doyle Oxley, who is investigating, said Tuesday how the gasoline ignited is unclear, but may involve the victim's cigarette.

The driver said she put her credit card in the pump and selected the gas, Oxley said. When pulled from the pump, the driver said, the nozzle remained open and sprayed her and Epsen, who had gotten out of the car to talk.

When the gas ignited about 11:30 p.m. Saturday, Epsen ran, Oxley said. The driver told Epsen to drop and roll, which she did, extinguishing the flames.

"She had already put herself out," Oxley said, before firefighters arrived.

Oxley said he hopes to "clean up" video captured by the store's surveillance camera to better determine "how it went from gas spraying to ignition."

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