AEMS ALERT: Request for Support on Nongovernmental Emergency Responder Family Protection Act
AEMS is requesting your immediate assistance to contact your House Representative to ask them to cosponsor the "Nongovermental Emergency Responder Family Protection Act."
If you represent an organization, please distribute this information to your membership and request their participation.
This legislation would extend Public Safety Office Death Benefits to the survivors of medics who are employed by nongovernmental EMS agencies and die in the line of duty. Governmental medics are already eligible for death benefits but tens of thousands of nongovernmental medics are ineligible even though they provide the same life-saving medical care in often dangerous environments.
AEMS has made the process for you to contact your House Representative easy by using CAPWIZ on the AEMS Web site,
If this link does not connect, visit the AEMS Web site at, click on "Take Action" in the left side column bar, click on the "Issues & Legislation" tab, click on "Legislative Alerts and Updates" then click on the SECOND item listed "Contact Your Representatives in Congress to Cosponsor the Nongovermental Emergency Responder Family Protection Act!"
This link directs you to an informational letter on how to make contact with your House Representative, talking points and an email template. The email template is available by entering your zip code in the "Action Alert" box and clicking "Go." We highly encourage you to call the office of your House Representative and ask to speak to the Judiciary Legislative Assistant.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Lisa Meyer at
Thank you for your support and assistance.