National EMS Advisory Council Holds Inaugural Meeting in D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The newly created National EMS Advisory Council hit the ground running at their inaugural meeting late last week here.
The 26-member panel -- appointed by the Secretary of Transportation -- will be advising NHTSA's Office of EMS.
During a brainstorming session, the group came up with a number of strategies that need to be addressed. "We've developed quite a comprehensive list of issues and considerations faced by EMS throughout the country," said Dia Gainor, chairperson.
Some of the issues include recruitment and retention of EMS personnel, quality assurance, preparedness for multi-casualty events, wait times at hospitals and the need for more federal grant money.
After the entire board has a chance to review the items, they will be prioritized. After that, committees will be established to address specific issues and write action plans. Four members were unable to attend the meeting.
Drew Dawson, NHTSA's EMS Director, told the group that the concept for a volunteer advisory panel has been "on and off the burner for a number of years."
He said they have the ability to direct the future of EMS, and is looking forward to their input. But, he also cautioned them that the wheels of government turn slowly.
Dawson said he was impressed by the backgrounds of the council, referring to them as some of the "Who's Who" in EMS.
The panel is expected to make recommendations to Dawson's office on EMS standards, guidelines, benchmarks and data collection. They also will offer advice on conducting a needs assessment to improve pre-hospital care.
"We have a multi-disciplined group that is willing to tackle the challenge," Gainor said. "We are fortunate to be able to draw on this expertise."
Idaho's EMS director said she heard a common theme emerge after listening to the members introduce themselves. "Everyone sees the need for safe, reliable, capable and accountable EMS systems."
"I'm addicted to EMS," Dr. Jeffrey T. Lindsey, the first medic in Pennsylvania, admitted to his peers. He is now chief of Estero, Fla. Fire-Rescue.
Kenneth Knipper, who represents volunteer EMS providers, introduced himself as a "Kentucky hillbilly" who got his start in the business after he was cut off by a fire truck, stopped, became interested in what they were doing, and found that his curiosity drew him to the department. He's been involved as an advocate for more than 25 years on state and national levels.
Kansas resident Dr. Chris D. Tilden, who promotes improvement of EMS in rural areas, said six or seven years ago he probably couldn't spell ambulance. "What is the safety net? Where does EMS fit in the health care world?"
During introductions, members spoke about their communities as well as their backgrounds. One man boasted of great elk hunting, another about pristine scenery.
One member admitted that he took on the state of Nevada trying to get his EMT before he was allowed to by law. "I lost," he said. "But, I'm probably the only one who got a birthday card along with my EMT card."
Jeffrey Salomone continued in EMS, and is now a trauma surgeon at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.
Many credited Johnny and Roy for sparking their interest in EMS.
Daniel Meisels, manager of EMS programs at New York Presbyterian, said he was looking forward to learning about situations he's never encountered during his tenure in the business -- farm machinery accidents and other rural issues.
NHTSA staff spent months reviewing more than 400 applications before selecting the 26 members. Dawson said it was important that the group represent every aspect of EMS.
People not on the council may be asked to participate on committees.
Those appointed to the council include:
- Thomas Judge- Executive Director of LifeFlight of Maine.
- Aarron Reinert - Executive Director of Lakes Region EMS in Minnesota.
- Robert Oenning -- Enhanced 9-1-1 Program Administrator for the State of Washington.
- Jose Salazar - Training Officer and EMS Battalion Chief for the Loudoun County (VA) Fire and Rescue Department.
- Matthew Tatum - EMS Coordinator and Emergency Manager for Henry County, Virginia.
- Patricia Kunz Howard, PhD - Operations Manager of Emergency and Trauma Services at the University of Kentucky Hospital and EMS Training Coordinator for the Lexington, Kentucky Division of Fire and Emergency Medical Services.
- John Sacra, MD -- Emergency Physician and Medical Director for the Medical Control Board serving Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
- Ritu Sahni, MD, MPH - Medical Director for the Lake Oswego Fire Department and for the regional OHSU Emergency Communications Center and Oregon State EMS Medical Director.
- Joseph Wright, MD, MPH -- Pediatric Emergency Physician at the Children's National Medical Center in the District of Columbia and Professor of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine and Prevention & Community Health at the George Washington University Schools of Medicine and Public Health.
- Baxter Larmon, PhD, MICP -- Professor of Emergency Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and the founding Director of the UCLA Center for Pre-hospital Care.
- Dia Gainor, MPA -- Idaho's State Emergency Medical Services Director.
- Kevin Staley, MPA -- Director of Medical Services for the Mecklenberg EMS Agency in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Charles Abbott -- Chief of the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety and Western Region representative on the Executive Board of the Governors Highway Safety Association.
- Joseph Heck, DO -- Practicing emergency physician and an EMS Medical Director for Clark County (NV) and Senator in the Nevada State Senate where he serves as vice-chair of the Transportation and Homeland Security Committee.
- Jeffrey P. Salomone, MD, FACS -- Associate Professor of Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine and Deputy Chief of Surgery at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Linda K. Squirrel -- EMS Special Projects Coordinator for the Cherokee Nation and the Founding President of the National Native American EMS Association and currently its Treasurer.
- Kenneth R. Knipper -- Represents Kentucky's volunteer fire and EMS personnel on the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and has chaired their EMS Committee since 1995.
- Jeffrey T. Lindsey, PhD --Fire Chief of Estero (Florida) Fire Rescue and serves as adjunct faculty in the Bachelor of EMS program at St. Petersburg College.
- Kurt M. Krumperman, MS,-- Senior Vice President of Federal Affairs and Strategic Initiatives for Rural/Metro Corporation -- a large national ambulance service provider.
- Daniel E. Meisels, MPA -- Manager of the EMS Program Planning and Special Projects at New York-Presbyterian Emergency Medical Services in New York City.
- Kyle R. Gorman, MBA, EMT-P - Executive Officer of the Clackamas County (Oregon) Fire District #1.
- Gary L. Wingrove -- Government Relations and Strategic Affairs at Gold Cross Mayo Clinic Medical Transportation, Minnesota.
- Chris D. Tilden, PhD - Director of the Office of Local and Rural Health in the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
- Richard A. Serino -- Chief of the Boston (MA) EMS Department.
- J. Thomas Willis -- Full time fire fighter/paramedic, providing both fire suppression and EMS response.